
All Blog Posts (1,520)

Give me Marijuana


*Hemp has been grown for at least the last 12,000 years for fiber (textiles and paper) and food. It has been effectively prohibited in the United States since the 1950s.

*George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew hemp. Ben Franklin owned a mill that made hemp paper. Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper.

*When US sources of "Manila hemp" (not true hemp) was cut off by the Japanese in WWII, the US Army and US… Continue

Added by Dan to the "T" on November 22, 2008 at 11:54am — 2 Comments

There is Nobody to Blame for Anything

Let's start by stating a bold claim that most people have never heard before. Upon first hearing this claim, you'll most likely think it to be ridiculous and absurd, but by the end of this article, you'll see the utterly obvious truth of it, and you'll never look at the world the same way again. Are you ready for it? Here it is…

There is no cause of anything.

That's right. Nothing "causes" anything else to happen… ever. Now let me explain why.

As an example,… Continue

Added by Jarett on November 20, 2008 at 12:47pm — No Comments

New Documentary "Children of Congo: From War to Witches"

Over five million people have died during the past decade as a result of the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Few people are aware of the unimaginable scale of human suffering, death, and destruction that has occurred in this vast country deep in the heart of Africa. In the aftermath of this brutal war, children have endured the brunt of the suffering. This 67 minute film documents the plight of thousands of street children living in Kinshasa and confirms the wide-spread… Continue

Added by Dan on November 19, 2008 at 4:57pm — 1 Comment

MyPeace.TV Update! 11-19-08

Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

A Big grateful welcome to all the new members and Peace Media pioneers! We deeply appreciate every effort that you all make to spread the word (last week we were up to about 460 members, and this week we are up to about 570! ). Simply by joining MyPeace.TV, you are making a statement to the world about your belief in our collective power to Co-Create Peace through Media. Thank you!!

As we promised last week, we now want to take a moment to… Continue

Added by MyPeace Media on November 19, 2008 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Nasa tests ‘interplanetary internet’ Peace is Universal!

Turing award winner Vint Cerf devised Nasa’s systemVint Cerf’s creation comes to life

Written by Iain Thomson in San Francisco, 19 Nov 2008

Nasa has successfully tested a communications system for use in space that it calls an “interplanetary internet”.

The communications system was devised by Turing award winner and Google evangelist Vint Cerf, and has been in development for the past 10 years in… Continue

Added by Electricbrave on November 19, 2008 at 1:10pm — No Comments


Today take some time to look hard at your business game plan and identify the areas of weakness and where you can really tighten and strengthen the process


Added by Nadira Haniff on November 18, 2008 at 4:41pm — No Comments

I would like to walk beside you and be guided by all of you as I change my world and others

Hi every one I am inspiared by all your words of wisdom and peace. I have changed my life by a deiser to. I know I am not perfcet but I have learened so much over the yrs about me. I have learened tools to help me along the way. I created a tv show here in Vt called "Walking through life' it is a show about people that want to tell their storys good or bad and give their message. But all so their are people that work hard at helping. When these two worlds meet buity is created, and love is felt… Continue

Added by Linda Carbino on November 18, 2008 at 8:15am — No Comments

Here comes Thanksgiving

Let me first give thanks to all you herbivores out there! The essence of today's blog, however, is to bring about some questioning of how your Thanksgiving will truly play out in this nation and beyond. What will your role be this holiday season?

The trend of Americans cutting down on red meat has been increasing the demand for poultry (chickens, turkeys) to be raised for food, especially in factory farms. An annual average of 250 million [or more] turkeys (that's one quarter of a… Continue

Added by Gabbi on November 18, 2008 at 2:06am — No Comments


Pine Ridge Reservations in Need of Emergency Assistance Following Severe Blizzard & Weather Conditions

Children, Elderly, Disabled, and Sick In Need of Heat and Winter Necessities

“About 60% of the Elders on Pine Ridge have sole custody of their grandchildren or great-grandchildren so there are often small children in the home, also at risk.”

NAMA… Continue

Added by Electricbrave on November 18, 2008 at 12:36am — 1 Comment

Tribute to Fannie M. Lewis and Stephanie Tubbs Jones Nov.15th

Tribute to Fannie M. Lewis and Stephanie Tubbs-Jones

Nov 16, 2008 | 3:31 PM

Category: Entertainment , Community

Last night I participated in a musical tribute to Councilwoman Fannie Lewis, and Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones at Tri-C Metro Auditorium. It was a joyous and reverent affair put on by Herb Thomas and The Prayer Warriors, a contemporary gospel group based here in Cleveland that combines the spirit of the church with soul, funk and jazz. Able to perform modern… Continue

Added by Carlos Jones on November 16, 2008 at 5:38pm — No Comments

Pacifist Rant

I’ve been working hard to cultivate a new mind. I’m training my heart to find better ways than hatred and fear when faced with imminent threats. I am far from accomplished, but I am working. My focus has been primarily on the teachings of Jesus, but also Gandhi, Marshall Rosenberg, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Theresa. I work every day to be as authentic as I can about my own inner triggers, and find peace by working to cultivate empathy and compassion. “Do not be overcome by evil, but… Continue

Added by Sarah on November 16, 2008 at 9:45am — 1 Comment

The Seeds of Nonviolence

Ghandi taught his disciples that whenever we make anyone (ourselves or others) wrong (even in our thoughts), THAT is the seed of violence. What a challenging perspective for self-righteous pacifists! But it IS clearly the seed of division, and division is the essential first step toward violence.

Long before Ghandi, Jesus taught his disciples to withhold judgment, saying that we will be treated in the same manner which we choose to treat others, and urged them to choose mercy rather… Continue

Added by Sarah on November 16, 2008 at 9:45am — 1 Comment

Become Miracle-Minded


Any thinking person knows that the world is in many ways moving in a downward spiral, and an object continues to move in whatever direction it's currently headed. Only the application of a stronger counterforce can change its direction. Miracles are that counterforce. When love reaches a critical mass,…

Added by MiraCulous on November 16, 2008 at 9:18am — No Comments

Peace Importance

I just wana write down the quote which really inspired me.

People say walking on the water is a miracle ,but I say walking peacefully on the earth is a real miracle.

Added by Arzhang Tura on November 15, 2008 at 6:02am — No Comments


In a world of instant gratification, internet stampede, economic struggles and the wind knocked out of you, it’s hard to stay the course and keep your chin up. Today more and more aspiring entrepreneurs shed their inhibitions and join the entrepreneurial band wagon in a quest for business profits.

And I applaud you all. It is a time of change. Our economy recovers well with business stimulation. And as an entrepreneur change brings new ……


Added by Nadira Haniff on November 14, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

New Economics

The New Economics: From Scarcity to Abundance

The very basis of modern economic thought predicts the demise of economics as we know it. And we’re better for it. Economics assumes scarcity. It is defined as the distribution of scarce resources. Such an assumption is bound to lead to fear of loss, hoarding of resources and greed. Indeed, stock market analysts describe the market as being driven by relative levels of fear and greed, fear supporting a bear market, and greed propelling a… Continue

Added by Njemile.Z on November 13, 2008 at 9:34pm — No Comments

Looking to collaborate

Love Light Peace and Growth

I love to create and expand. It is my life force, just as it is many others. We can spread the awareness with words, art, and music.

Please, feel free to introduce yourself to me, and I will do the same with you. :) Thank you for taking the time to read this, and thank you for understanding what is important.

*also* i have a young daughter that I am planning to home school. She is not even a year yet, but if there are others here that… Continue

Added by Betty Love on November 13, 2008 at 5:42pm — 3 Comments


Don't know any html? Worried? Sick? Confused about all the noise on this topic? Well here's a quick lesson. Again coming straight from the horse's mouth - one of the top article directories! Here's the scoop:





Added by Nadira Haniff on November 13, 2008 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Not In My Name: Abu Ghraib.

The human rights scandal now known as "Abu Ghraib" began its journey toward exposure on Jan. 13, 2004, when Spc. Joseph Darby handed over horrific images of detainee abuse to the Army's Criminal Investigation Command (CID). The next day, the Army launched a criminal investigation. Three and a half months later, CBS News and the New Yorker published photos and stories that introduced the world to devastating scenes of torture and suffering inside the… Continue

Added by Paul Allen on November 12, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Sustainable Living: Earthbag Construction

Earthbags (sometimes called sandbags) have long been used, particularly by the military for creating strong, protective barriers, or for flood control. The same reasons that make them useful for these applications carry over to creating housing: the walls are massive and substantial, they resist all kinds of severe weather, and they can be erected simply and quickly with readily available components. Burlap bags were traditionally used for this purpose,… Continue

Added by Paul Allen on November 12, 2008 at 9:00pm — No Comments

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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