

Regarding the privileged few, who cannot be trusted with the resources at their disposal to lead and to care for this planet, and all of its inhabitants - Every move they make to stop us, we grow and we become more committed. We grow in our numbers, in our determination and we gain more and more media exposure. The whole world is watching while we take these predators down. And we are - nonviolently taking them down. We will not fail.

But with victory will come personal responsibility. When we take them down, and we must, we will have to grow up because there will no longer be anyone else to blame but ourselves - which, if we are honest with ourselves, is probably why we have put this off for so long. Start with your own personal revolution now. Take full responsibility for your life now. Identify the areas in which you giving our power away willfully and take it back, now. If you need help, ask for help. Together we cannot fail. Together we are creating a better world. Start planning for that better world now.

A person at odds with themselves will fall. If you have lost your balance, seek to regain it. A house divided against itself will fall, so let us all unite. The people united can never be defeated.

Our leaders are sick and they are transmitting their sickness to the most vulnerable among us. We must try to care for them if we can, but if they remain sick and will not step aside, we will move them out of our way - nonviolently, but without hesitation. The decision to engage in revolution has been a quantum leap forward for all of us. Stay the course.






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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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