
In the very simplicity of life, humanity has found ways to make it complicated. Money, a paper instilled with value, is now a necessity of which humanity falls prey to. It’s no different from Steven Speilberg’s movie, I, Robot. Robots there were created, at first to help humanity, but later on it was the robots that overthrew their own creators. Same with music. When it was first used, it was for a means to express humanity’s emotions. Now emotions are being controlled by music. We can touch many other topics that humanity falls prey to, but for the sake of this topic, we will talk more so along the lines of humanity’s addiction to be entranced by humanity’s own creations, which defocuses on what humanity should be paying attention to. Humanity itself.

Long through the ages of humanity, we have been looking for better means to make humanity easier, when humanity itself is as easy as it can get. Tribes across the world looked to nature and into themselves to find the meaning of life. In today’s society, we look for the meaning of life through other means. Music, money, jobs, friends, religion, etc. It reminds us of a person, in today’s society, who is so stressed looking for their eyeglasses only later to find out it was on top of their head the whole time. The answer is right in front of us, yet we choose to stay blinded by the many ideas we have made to keep us entertained or distracted from seeing the true meaning. Many individuals never feel the true meaning of life as they grow and die in this world’s distractions. All of our five senses are being beaten down in every possible way to enable other people to keep their jobs or create new jobs. It’s as if the world is normally insane, that of which everyone together, as a norm, feels sane. When one falls out of this loop of this insane sanity, he falls victim of the psyche ward.

Now, the time has come where there is a good percentage of humanity that has notice this. Together they will help the world fall out of this trance that everyone is in. As funny as it may sound, it resembles a childhood story of the piper and his mice. All the mice are following the sound of the piper, unknowingly to their own demise. But in our story, we are our own piper. It’s as if this childhood story was a hidden parable. If one looks deep into all the stories told in the world, there is always a deeper meaning. It can be the subconscious doing of humanity to make it such. The collective sub-consciousness. The bible itself was laid out as a guide to one’s conscious. It was a means to keep everyone in check, so to speak. Understanding that, we look at one of the story where everyone was gambling in the church. It’s not so different from what we are doing to our own church, which is this world. Wherever one or more is gathered, that is our church. All the religious teachings show the inner truth of humanity in one form or another. Reaching that bliss moment where we transcend all of which is physical reality. But even in those teachings, humanity has been entranced to not notice the moral of the religious belief.

Movies today show that even the superior minds whom produce or write the scripts of the movie have an insight of what is truly going on in this world. The road of which humanity carves out for itself. It’s as if humanity at a whole is crying out for help. Humanity knows what to do and how to do it, but remains stubborn or ignorant to the cries. Entranced by what this physical world, that of which we made, has to offer. Open your eyes. Open your mind. Snap out of it. A drug user may fall prey to using because ‘everyone is doing it’. It’s no different from the grander scale of humanity destroying its own self. ‘Everyone is doing it.’ Snap out of it! The definition of insanity according to Albert Einstein is ‘doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results’. Humanity still pollutes. Humanity’s population still increases while the population of all the rest of the animals on earth decrease. Majority of humanity’s doing is having a negative impact on itself and on the world. We are doing everything to keep this perfect world of ours imbalanced. The real war is happening within humanity itself. Not between countries. Not between families. They are all victims of the real war. Humanity’s fight for reason and the growth of natural humanity.

How long will it take for each and every one of us to snap out of this negative entrancement? More then likely until the majority of humanity does. Even when it does, there will be more fights between the two factions. Greed manipulates those whom want to keep the means of all physicality that humanity has created. We do not need to rid of these at all. There is no definitive yes or no in life. Life itself is one huge piece of fuzzy logic in the cosmos. How long has this war been going on? When will it stop? Hopefully when it’s not the end of humanity will we realize it is over. Be proactive. Teach our children of these values. Teach each other of these values. Look deep within yourself and find true happiness in yourself and in humanity. Only then will we be able to make a difference in this world. A difference that can aid humanity to snap out of the negative trance-like state we have created for ourselves.

-Oliver Bulfango

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