
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

Our movement continues to grow and we are now up to more than 700 members! We cannot be anything else but grateful for this. Each of you who joined MyPeace.TV, did so not only because you are passionate about peace, but because you see the great potential we have to Co-create Peace through MEDIA. There is a big need in the world for what we are doing, and each time you spread the word, write a blog, or contribute media content for peace, you are adding more than you may know to this movement. THANK you.

Now, without further ado, we'd like to acknowledge some of you...

Luminaries: A wonderful group of vocalists, mcees, poets and musicians who are using the power of MUSIC to create Peace.

Veronica Wilson: An activist who is part of a mission to create and distribute 1000 stained glass Peace signs.

Ana Campos: The South Florida Area Organizer for the U.S. Department of Peace Campaign. HR-808 is a Federal bill to prevent violence and treat it as a national priority. It also calls to create a U.S. Peace Academy.

MyPeace.TV is full of great PeaceMakers and we'll feature more of you in future updates!

Last but not least, we want to announce a special partnership we've made with author Gary L Beckwith to help distribute his book called "The Message that Comes from Everywhere", which explores the common core teachings of the world's religions and modern science. MyPeace.TV founder, Yaron Fishman says "This book is a clear signpost pointing to the unifying themes found in the various religions, quantum physics, and psychology. It's very inspiring, very thought provoking, and makes me want to keep exploring this topic. Plus I really love the cover :)".

Thanks for reading and there are many more updates to come!

In Unity,
The MyPeace.TV Team

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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