
Karla Solano

Life experiences tend to take us in a roller coaster ride of emotions and it can be very easy to lose ourselves in the midst of all the emotional battles. However, I have found it very useful and nurturing to ground myself by connecting with nature.

We can learn so much from nature by just sitting in a park, observing and breathing the fresh air that it has to offer. It is extremely powerful to sit under a tree with your back reclined on its trunk while caressing the grass below your feet and hands; closing your eyes and allowing the wisdom and purity of nature to envelop your being. Connecting with trees is of utmost importance because they radiate strength, beauty, life, inner power and grounding energy.

Trees carry wisdom within, they have lived many years through different climate and environmental changes and yet they remain strong, mighty and standing tall ready to show us how we can become as grounded as they are no matter how tough the circumstances around us become.

Our well being is deeply connected with all that exists and it is a magnificent gift to be able to sit back and allow nature to embrace us with its beauty. I recommend you take time from your busy schedules to sit at a park at least once a week and really let go of your thoughts, just feeling, absorbing and listening to the amazing beauty that is contained all around you; allowing the breeze of the wind caress your skin as the magnificent symphony of the birds singing transports you to a higher state of consciousness.

I guarantee you that once you connect with nature in this way you will begin to feel a sense of belonging, peace and bliss that can only be given by becoming one with all that exists.

Views: 113

Comment by Candace on September 17, 2009 at 3:22pm
Thank You for the reminder to ground oneself in nature...I am a big fan of trees too!
Comment by Karla solano on September 17, 2009 at 9:35pm
We have so much to learn from nature..


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