
Karla solano's Blog (6)

Re-connecting with the True Meaning of the Holidays


Karla Solano

I remember loving the holidays when I was a child; it was a magical time that would get started on December 8th. On this particular night every house in every neighborhood would light up the front entrance of their houses with candles, kids would play with fire crackers and fireworks would illuminate the streets of my country…Colombia; every neighbor would come out and share this fun moment of light. This celebration was in honor of the mother…


Added by Karla solano on December 19, 2010 at 9:52pm — No Comments

Gratitude for being alive


Karla Solano

Living life with gratitude can be very humbling and rewarding. Taking the time to actually notice how blessed we are to be alive, to be able to wake up every morning and enjoy a beautiful sunny day, or to be able to connect with people by just giving them a smile and make eye contact or exchange a kind word.

We get so hung up in the midst of the daily stress that we often forget how wonderful our lives really are. Days and nights go by sometimes… Continue

Added by Karla solano on September 20, 2009 at 9:23pm — No Comments

Grounding through nature


Karla Solano

Life experiences tend to take us in a roller coaster ride of emotions and it can be very easy to lose ourselves in the midst of all the emotional battles. However, I have found it very useful and nurturing to ground myself by connecting with nature.

We can learn so much from nature by just sitting in a park, observing and breathing the fresh air that it has to offer. It is extremely powerful to sit under a tree with your back reclined on its trunk… Continue

Added by Karla solano on September 15, 2009 at 9:47pm — 2 Comments

Letting go of control


Karla Solano

The society we live in has a way of influencing human kind in becoming very competitive in order to get ahead. This approach to life is a sword of double edge; while it is necessary to take charge of our lives so that we may accomplish success in our careers and in our studies, it is important not to get caught up in a cycle where we feel the need to be controlling.

Human kind has a tendency to take everything to an extreme. We become so obsessed… Continue

Added by Karla solano on September 8, 2009 at 11:18pm — No Comments



Karla Solano

There are many times in our life when we feel as though we are floating on a high cloud full of joy and ecstasy, a high cloud where nothing can touch us or cause us pain. It is during moments like this when we are capable of tapping into a higher realm of existence, a higher realm where we are one with our true pure essence.

Experiencing this high state of bliss can bring forth abundance, radiance, health, beauty, peace and perfection from within;… Continue

Added by Karla solano on August 1, 2009 at 10:16am — No Comments

Inner Knowing


Karla Solano

The path to self discovery is a rocky road to follow; it takes a lot of patience, self discipline and perseverance. But once you find yourself and reach a higher state of awareness, there is nothing that can take away all the inner joy, peace and self love that this inner knowing brings.

Our everyday life tends to distract us from the infinite connection with our inner guidance; therefore it is imperative to take time out from our busy schedules to… Continue

Added by Karla solano on July 26, 2009 at 2:39pm — No Comments

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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