
Karla Solano

There are many times in our life when we feel as though we are floating on a high cloud full of joy and ecstasy, a high cloud where nothing can touch us or cause us pain. It is during moments like this when we are capable of tapping into a higher realm of existence, a higher realm where we are one with our true pure essence.

Experiencing this high state of bliss can bring forth abundance, radiance, health, beauty, peace and perfection from within; thus, enabling us to become channels of light that can be expanded to human kind. Maintaining a balanced sense of happiness is vital to our existence, therefore it is important to make a conscious effort to lead a life where we can bring joy to others and to ourselves.

Happiness is not only a feeling; it is also a state of mind. A state of mind that may seem hard to achieve sometimes especially when we experience turmoil going on all around us, such as the economic crisis we are going through, the loss of a loved one, or the loss of a job. All of these factors influence the way we feel and it can be challenging to maintain a smile on our faces. However, every difficult time we face gives us an opportunity to look within and search for things that can bring bliss to our lives.

There is so much to be happy about such as acknowledging the fact that you are a being full of life, health, and love. Learning to appreciate the small things that take place in our lives every day can make a big difference as to how we connect with the world, these small things could be something as simple as receiving a hug from a child, getting a smile from a stranger as we walk the street, Listening to a song we love, or just by enjoying a walk in the park on a sunny afternoon. No matter how “insignificant” these things may seem to us they are very meaningful and can brighten up our day.

The key is to be able to find joy in every situation we experience and have faith in the fact that “it too shall pass”, no matter how difficult and chaotic our lives become we can always count on the fact that after every storm there is a bright sunshine waiting to be discovered.

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