
Today is February 24th, 2009
as of today. We have our first black President.
He, like the others is promising deficit reductions.
He, unlike the others is cleaning up the government.
We, as a country have experienced mad lay offs.
first the small business.. closed. Then the larger national chains that are not as strong.. closed.. liquidations everywhere.
Radio stations are now dropping all there talent and going with a computer playing songs with station logo sound bytes in between. Like Jack FM

To us.. it seems the world is much happier that we do have a new president.
as for me..
My wife "needed space" almost 11 months ago. She moved out.
I am now living with my friend, Joe. fantastic guy. He is the symbol of Mypeace. (not literally)
I was layed off of my job last December.
Gas prices went up to over 3 dollars last year.. I think up to 3.50.
then they dropped to 1.70, and now are up to 2.50.
I have escaped my responsibilities and partied and socialized and have had a great time.
Productivity is in my for front of my mind now.
Love is the most powerful energy around. The emotion of it keeps lives alive during the hardest times.
The action of it saves lives!

This year, 2009, there are a couple of movies coming out about this day. There are 1335 members of mypeace. I was around the 500th person just a couple of months after it started.
December 21, 2012 is suppose to be the end of the world as we know it. What does that mean.
Does it mean anything?
today.. we will find out. :)
The Mayan Calender stops on this date. Other "profits" have spoken about this day. What will happen..

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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