
And they lived happily ever after. Wouldn't that be amazing, if like all the stories and fables we were told as children were true.
But they are just that right? Tales...
Fables... Right?

The tests and turmoil of Princes and Princesses; the lessons and experiences brought on by evil goblins and enemies unlike anything we have accompanied- and thank Goodness.
I don't know about you, but if I found a Dragon in my forest, I may not find life so enchanting.

However, learning of strength attained after all the mental and physical anguish cast upon the characters.

How, in the end, whether all turned out well, or whether pain was indeed endured, but evil indeed eradicated- the moral of the story would leave us spellbound with a deep understanding of life, and it's lessons.

Everything we experience, in our own lives, is just told in a tale.

We live, we love; and once in a while, we hurt and we move on- bigger, better, and stronger... We carry with us all the armor that we feel will personally protect us, and hopefully, we can let our guard down once in a while to participate and progress... We don't have to be a Prince or Princess to play a big part in the story.

As for happily ever after? I believe in fairy tales...

LoVe LuCy sMiLeS

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