
All Blog Posts (1,520)

From the desk of Alexis

I awoke this morning, with promises of a momentous year ahead, not just for me individually, yet for everyone in the world. These tidings came in the form of an e-mail , which was describing the events taking place from an ethereal point of went on to explain that the 11 cycle ,meaning Vision, Visionary or Spiritual Messenger , was at precipice to shed and share it's intuitive and spiritually charged energy. Good. Now how shall this be used to our advantage? By… Continue

Added by ALEXIS on January 11, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

Orlando, FL rally "Let Gaza Live"


January 10, 2009

I heard about the rally just a few days before through a new friend/ hero Eileen Fleming. This determined, courageous, truth-seeker who doesn't seem intent on resting until justiced is served, should be…

Added by MiraCulous on January 11, 2009 at 10:00am — 3 Comments

Wars, Lies (Photos), and Videotapes

Few things have irritated me as much as Condoleeza Rice's latest testament to the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war. According to Rice, Bush's middle east policies will stand the test of time. She also asserts that she doesn't care about being popular because she's there to make the hard decisions. It's good that she doesn't care about being popular, because I can think of few people more arrogant, ignorant and generally – uncompassionate – than… Continue

Added by Deb Della Piana on January 10, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment

Forum: The Rape and Murder of 7-year-old Ma Ne Mya and How the International Community Must Act

Dear Fellow Artists, Activists, and Academics Concerned about the welfare of Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma,

I will keep my message brief so that you can read the recent report released by the Free Burma Rangers.

In my years of service for the cause for the International Campaign for Freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi and Burma I have read a lot of news that upset me. I have seen pictures of monks murdered and monks beaten in broad daylight. I have lost my stomach as… Continue

Added by Jeffrey Hellman on January 9, 2009 at 2:36am — No Comments

Hope in the Holy Land from the Sulha Peace Project

This is a letter from Eliyahu McLean,Sulha Peace Project, interfaith coordinator

I share this here so that we can send loving energy to support this Peace Project.

Hello friends and supporters,

We are mourning the loss of lives and are praying for the safety of our friends who are in danger in both Gaza and southern Israel. We pray that both peoples come to true compassion and forgiveness toward the other.

With the only news coming from… Continue

Added by Lydia Love on January 8, 2009 at 1:50pm — 3 Comments

Right Now

"On the surface of the world right now there is war and violence and things seem dark.

But calmly and quietly, at the same time, something else is happening underground

An inner revolution is taking place and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.

It is a silent revolution From the inside out

From the ground up

This is a Global operation...A spiritual conspiracy.

There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet

You won't see us on… Continue

Added by Donna Clapp on January 8, 2009 at 10:45am — 3 Comments


L'énergie suit l'attention (in "Marcher entre les mondes" de Gregg Braden)

Added by Ixmur on January 8, 2009 at 4:27am — No Comments


Ne doutez jamais qu'un petit groupe de personnes réfléchies, sérieuses et engagées peut changer le monde.
Margaret Mead.

Added by Ixmur on January 8, 2009 at 4:19am — No Comments


if we're gonna talk the talk, we gotta WALK THE WALK!!!

Added by marybel on January 7, 2009 at 9:09pm — No Comments

An Open Letter to the Israeli and American Governments

An Open Letter to the Israeli and American Governments:

I write you this letter today with hopes that it will assist you in breaking the cycle of extreme violence and Co-creating a more Peaceful World. On behalf of all Citizens who desire a more Peaceful World, I offer you what I feel are the most effective ideas for initiating the PeaceMaking process:

Step 1) Acknowledge that there IS a cycle of extreme violence and that it DOES have the potential to be… Continue

Added by Yaron Fishman on January 7, 2009 at 6:30pm — 2 Comments


La Paix n'est pas l'absence de guerre

Le Silence n'est pas l'absence de bruit

La Paix est un état

Le Silence aussi

La Paix nous construit

Le Silence nous nourrit

La Paix et le Silence sont de même essence

C'est dans ce Silence que la Paix nous révèle toute sa présence

Richard DELIAS



Peace is not the absence of war

Silence is not absence of noise

Peace is a… Continue

Added by Ixmur on January 7, 2009 at 10:34am — No Comments


What.The.Bleep.Do.We.Know - Down the Rabbit Hole..

What the Bleep Do We Know!?

is a 2004 film which combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness.

The plot follows the story of a deaf female photographer; as she encounters emotional and existential obstacles in her life, she comes to consider the idea that individual and… Continue

Added by HealingYourself on January 6, 2009 at 7:00pm — No Comments

MyPeace.TV Update! 1-6-09

Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

With over 1040 members now, our ability to Co-create Peace through Media is getting stronger and stronger each day. THANK you. Thank you for spreading the word, sharing your videos, your music, your blogs, your wisdom, your love and your awareness that we CAN and we ARE heightening the collective consciousness of our Human Family.

Not long ago, we asked you to consider voting on for the Idea to establish a U.S. Department of Peace,… Continue

Added by MyPeace Media on January 6, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Quote by Chief Oren Lyons

I do not see a delegation
For the four-footed.
I see no seat for the eagles.
We forget and we consider
Ourselves superior.
But we are after all
A mere part of the Creation.
And we stand somewhere between
The mountain and the ant.
Somewhere and only there
As part and parcel
Of the Creation.

-Chief Oren Lyons, Onondaga Nation, Iroquois Confederacy

Added by Oliver Bulfango on January 5, 2009 at 4:37am — 1 Comment

Non à la guerre!


Les soldats à la guerre n'ont plus aucun mystère

ils ne font que tirer.

Quand on est militaire, il faut savoir se taire

et ne pas hésiter,

on porte en bandoulière nos victoires amères

et nos amours usées.

On est des patriotes jusqu'au bout de nos bottes

et l'on a, pour amis,

des fantômes qui flottent, des épaves qui trottent

au bout de nos fusils...

Mais, lorsqu'on est en face de gens de notre… Continue

Added by Claude Veziau on January 5, 2009 at 1:46am — No Comments

¡No A la Guerra


Soldados en la guerra no son ningún misterio

no saben más que matar

Cuando se es militar hay que saber callarse

y no titubear

Al hombro llevan su armas, sus victorias amargas

y sus viejos amores.

Ellos son patriotas, incluyendo sus botas

y tienen por amigos

Fantasmas que flotan, y vencidos que andan

a la punta del fusil.

Cuando una esta en frente de gente de su raza

que tienen por… Continue

Added by Claude Veziau on January 5, 2009 at 1:43am — No Comments

video log

Quantcast Continue

Added by Andrea Starbird on January 4, 2009 at 2:12pm — No Comments


This video was shot mostly in NYC (Astoria, Queens). A place on earth where members from all races, colors & creeds have managed to live together in beautiful peace. I lived there for 8 years and while there learned how unimportant it is to agree with those whose beliefs are different. The need to agree is selfish and narrow minded. Accepting those with opposing beliefs is the sign that what we believe is healthy.

I started this song, "ON OUR WAY BACK HOME" in 2001 shortly… Continue

Added by Smile Love Peace on January 4, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Kindness in '09

I came across this quote of kindness this morning...what's your favorite?

You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Added by Jim Bolinger on January 4, 2009 at 7:01am — No Comments

HAVE YOU READ: "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen

In the interest of peace and understanding our world and current events, I suggest that EVERYONE reads these books. There is the original edition (1995) and the new edition (2007). Loewen is an avid historian and reviewer of history textbooks. His notes and sources are impeccable in providing verifications and understanding. I discovered his books by accident (via a source in another history book) and since then I've learned Loewen and his books have a huge following. I would like to connect… Continue

Added by TheAngelPowerEmporium on January 3, 2009 at 9:54pm — 1 Comment

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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