
Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

We welcome all those who have just joined us, and we say Thank you to each of you for being among our 1160 members! President Obama says it's up to ALL of us to change the World, and we agree :). Together, we're changing the World through Media and soon there will be thousands more sharing and collaborating on MyPeace.TV. One of the ways we're spreading the word is through YouTube, so we invite you to watch, rate, share and comment on our new MyPeace.TV Promo.

Another way to spread the word is by sending out invitations to your friends, and we're VERY grateful to all of you who have already been doing so.

With that being said, we'd like to mention some of the many inspiring things happening on the site....

"To Grow Hope, One Must Plant Seeds Of Tolerance", written by Jennifer Massey.

"An Open Letter to the Israeli and American Governments", written by MyPeace.TV Founder, Yaron Fishman.


"From MLK To Today", a short but moving film about the evolution beyond racism.

The Spiritual Cinema Circle, now offering a Free 1 month test drive of their inspirational DVD Club.


Bonnie Zimmerman, a Co-Producer of Carlos Santana's fantastic Peace project called "Architects of a New Dawn" .

Allan Silberhartz, Founder and host of international spiritual talk show "Bridging Heaven & Earth", which focuses on life's Oneness.

We'll feature much more in the future and we thank ALL of you for Co-Creating this movement!

In Unity,
The MyPeace.TV Team

Views: 9

Comment by Blokesablogin on January 22, 2009 at 5:10pm
One other thing that stood out during the President's inauguration was the "gun salute"- it has become 'tradition" in most parts of the world including sadly India owing to its colonial past. What a "disruptive, bloody" tradition! Hopefully, the department of Peace will change these violent traditions in government.
Comment by Heather DeRigo on January 23, 2009 at 1:07am
I completely agree!
Comment by Popxart on January 25, 2009 at 10:45pm
I just love the fact that Blokesablogin cares enough to mention it and that Heather completely agrees. I noticed it but forgot cause I had other things on my mind. But yeah...while we're on the subject, why use guns as some sort of celebration? Why not use something else? but i guess on a positive its good to see them being used for less harmfull means. And definately good to see Obama being honoured regardless. Long time coming :)


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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