
Dear MyPeace.TV Community

As many of you know, I recently posted a Video blog/question for Peace, and I want to take a moment to thank all of you who've watched it and shared your inspiring thoughts about it. It's been less than a week and according to YouTube, this video has already been viewed more than 650 times! My question in this video is "If we use all forms of Media (TV, Internet, Radio, Print, Everything) then what is our potential to Strengthen Humanity's Collective visualization of Peace on our Planet?". My goal is to make this video very popular through YouTube, so that as many people as possible will be inspired to Co-Create Peace through Media.

A video becomes very popular and goes to the top of the YouTube rankings when:

*It receives many many high ratings

*It receives a whole lot of video responses (You're invited to respond with the peace-related videos you already have on YouTube and/or specific video responses to my question!)

*It receives lots and lots of comments

*It is shared and spreads virally on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace (there is a tool for this right below the video on YouTube).

Would you like to see the question in this video shared with Millions of People all over the World? You can help make this happen by rating, commenting on, responding to, or sharing this video through YouTube:

Thank you!!

~Yaron and The MyPeace.TV Team

Views: 29

Comment by Sudhan on May 13, 2009 at 12:59am
Hey Mate,

Remember me? Im with since you opened

Well, you have come a long way since then. Im very excited by this Action Plan.

I had worked on Prem Rawat videos in the same fashion to increase ratings.

Ill be firing this video in my Email group and Orkut where it will reach atleast
1000 people.

lets see how we get the respopnse.

Keeping fingeres crossed for the noble cause ..

Comment by Yaron Fishman on May 13, 2009 at 12:20pm
Hey Sudhan :)

Yes I do and thank you so much for all the support!

Wow, that's potentially 1000 more people who will get inspired by this...thank you brother :)

Comment by Dussin on May 13, 2009 at 2:45pm
Est-il possible d'avoir une version francophone ?

Is-it possible to have a french version ?
Comment by Precious Lotus on May 13, 2009 at 4:59pm
Hi Yaron, you are most welcome. Anything that brings about the highest good for all, you'll have my support and respect.

I think it is very good idea to talk about peace. I know some people might say, talking is not going to help but I think it will. Thinking is a form of energy and so as talking. If we could talk peace, we are thinking Peace. As long as we focus our energy on peace and all that is good, things will manifest and take on with it's own wings when the time is ripe. I recently came across a discussion in your "People" discussion column on "What your opinion of peace is?" and wrote a reply. I thought that is a good start.I never have thought of peace in that way if not because of that question. The more we explore, the closer we will get, what do you think? By the way, I like your reply in there. :)
Comment by Kenneth Egbe on May 14, 2009 at 9:10am
Hi Yaron
i really appreciate you in person,keep doing it,you will always have my support.
as long as we cling to the past,we shall remain savages.but we have already reached the threshold of a new era,mankind is looking ahead,a powerful impulse is carring us towards a new and better world,many are those who have already broken from barbarism, its idols and weapons. we are probably still closer to the savage state than most people believe, but perhaps we are less remote from nobility of soul than many dare to hope.perhaps the prince is already born who will accomplish that which all future history will regard as the most outstanding and glorious of feats.already we are witnesses to the crumbling of the illusion that allows national selfishness to clothe itself in a deceptive appearance of right,the illusion that one person's misfortune may be anothers's profit.already the idea is emerging that justice must be the foundation of all social life.
Comment by Nina Goncharova on May 14, 2009 at 11:41pm
My dear young friend and planetary worker for PEACE,
I deeply support your idea as it totally coinsides with my vision for the role of the media
it is WE who are meant to change the world

Comment by Yaron Fishman on May 31, 2009 at 3:32pm
Dussin...Good point. Perhaps I could have this video translated into different languages. I also intend for this whole site to be available in different languages. I'll let everyone know when this happens...

Precious Lotus...Yes, I agree that dialogue is KEY. People have different ideas about Peace and as we communicate about it we learn from each other and gain a deeper collective understanding...

Kenneth... Perhaps through teamwork we are already Co-Creating a World where poverty no longer exists...a World in which our human family evolves beyond the cycle of war...

Nina... I appreciate your support and agree...WE are the ones we've been waiting for :)

Thank you for your comments everyone!!



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