- 1.Fire Bird song Nina
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Peace to you...
Peace and love!!Today I am thinking of you.
I was a wanderer like you and it has transformed my life. Now I am settled with kids but I am waiting for the day to come when I can be serving the world like what you are doing. I have the same mission like you.
Do keep me informed about your team, groups like these keep my inspiration up high.
Please, do join us.
Thanks for your warm & loving thoughts and wishes.
Thanks for your lovely words re my songs, & photos,..please feel free to comment on these, & the other songs / photos via my links on my profile page.
It makes a real difference to hear from you,..my music is written to 'share',..& it comes 'alive' when 'you' listen .
I look forward to your contact, & send this to you with positives Nina .
Lloyd *
i hope this finds you smiling, & that your day is going well ?
Please feel free to listen to my songs, & make comments on these , & the photos,..one of my songs ( 'The lovin' & the givin' ) is featuring on the 'main page ' just now,.... so i hope you enjoy this, & the others on my page .
'Positives to you Nina ,..........Lloyd .
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