
Laughter, Wisdom, and the Evolution of Humanity...

Dear MyPeace.TV Community,

Today I'd like to let you know about two fantastic films I watched this weekend. One is called "Outsourced"; a very funny and fascinating film about an American who goes to India to train workers in a customer service call-center. As he tries to teach them all about America, he learns he has a lot to learn about India and himself. I really enjoyed this film (it's full of surprises!) and after watching it I feel like I want to do a bit more traveling :). The other film is called "Spiritual Liberation"; a very insightful and inspiring film about Michael Beckwith (featured in "The Secret"). When Michael was younger he struggled with fear and insecurities, but as he evolved, he learned to see life through the eyes of love rather than fear. I really related to this film because at this time in my life (like many of us) I find myself in the process of learning to grow beyond my fears. Yet as much as this film is about personal growth, it is also very much about our collective evolution as a Human Family. I do like to question things, so I can't say I agreed with every single idea in this film, but I can say that most of it deeply resonated with me, and I'm happy to recommend it to you. These two films are being featured now by MyPeace.TV's affiliate sponsor, the Spiritual Cinema Circle, and If you sign up to try the SCC by September 14th, you'll receive a DVD with both films, plus two short films. The only charge will be for shipping and handling (4.95 in the U.S. or 7.95 Internationally). Whether you decide to keep receiving films from the SCC is up to you, and either way, this DVD will be yours to keep. To watch the trailer and sign up to receive these films, Click Here.

Thank you for reading and may we all continue Co-Create Peace through Media!

With Love and Gratitude,


Views: 16

Comment by MiraCulous on September 4, 2009 at 11:30am
Sounds really great- I have been wanting to sign up for a while- I am going to now....Thanks Yaron :)

also regarding "Wisdom and the Evolution of Humanity"-

I would like to share this link for a daily inspiration course- "A Year of Rumi" - You can get a Rumi poem sent to your email everyday for 365 days....
Comment by Yaron Fishman on September 8, 2009 at 4:48pm
You're welcome and thank you Miss Mina :)

I'm sure you'll enjoy the films!


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