
I Love Seeing People Wear Shirts that say "WE ARE ALL ONE"! store banner 200x200
"I am convinced that Fashion is one of the most powerful tools for communicating messages of Unity, Peace, and Oneness."Learn More...

Views: 30

Comment by Popxart on February 11, 2009 at 5:21pm
Hey bro. if ya sent me one for free i'd wear it with much joy :)
actually i must let you into a little secret. i asked porly the other day to modify thatdesign for the shirt you sent us. to add the MY to the PEACE.TV ya know. and he's onto that . so maybe we could get an updated shirt from ya for that. s'all good bro. no pressure of course. whatever flows. we're all of the understanding nature i reckon :)
Comment by Yaron Fishman on February 11, 2009 at 5:56pm
lol...I sent Porl a message requesting the SAME EXACT THING on Jan 16th...we just recently got around to talking about it and all he needs is a large High Quality version of the Piece...could you send him one? The one I could find to send him was too small...or maybe the one we're featuring is big enough?...And of course I'll send you a new "Shalom Salaam" shirt with the MyPeace.TV address on could I not considering the ONEderful artwork you let us use for it?...Thank You...

1NessLove :)
Comment by moon flower on August 30, 2009 at 10:25pm
Amen !!! I Want 2 Order Mine, We Are All One Tee-shirt, I Love It and yesss it's sooo very true we are all one, Amen And Amen !!!!! :-)


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