To cure a sickness--one must first become aware that a sickness exists. How aware are we of the sickness that we label as "evil"? If a disease is to be cured--are we to kill all those infected with it?--Or should we focus on understanding/curing the disease? In what depth has humanity examined the fear, pain, and desperation that leads people toward destructive actions? Can you imagine a global media campaign dedicated toward telling/exploring the story of "evil" AND the potential story of the healing that humanity can CO-create? How well do we understand the life of a child who is born into an environment that teaches them to hate? How well do we understand the pain of a child who has witnessed their family members murdered? What is the result of us believing that we are NOT one human family? If we as a whole do not start asking these big questions NOW--then when will we? NOW IS THE TIME.
It is said that fear leads to anger--anger leads to hatred--and hatred leads to the sickness/cycle we label as "evil." It seems that humanity is addicted to this cycle of fear. As a culture--we tend to entertain ourselves with stories/movies/media content that is related to war/violence. Why? Is it exciting? Is the drama something we crave? It seems that people think of Peace as nothing more than calmness, serenity, daisies and flowers...but isn't that boring? That is the challenge my friends--to expand our ideas about Peace in such a way that PEACE becomes exciting! Sports (even martial arts), comedy, music, etc., can be ways for us to celebrate Peace/human potential in dramatic and exciting ways. Let the Peacemakers paint the picture. When someone is addicted to heroine--they can break that addiction by taking less and less doses of heroine. When someone is addicted to extreme violent drama--that addiction can be broken with drama that is less and less extreme--hence leading to the kind of drama that promotes Peace in an entertaining way. Make sense? Yet let us remember--a sickness/addiction cannot be healed unless one knows that it exists!
I personally am not immune to this addiction/sickness we call "evil". Although I may have not acted out this sickness in extremely destructive ways--I am still in the process of healing. Now that I am aware of this healing process within me--I am reaching out to YOU. I am reaching out to you so that TOGETHER we can stretch our arms toward the GRANDEST potential of the human family.
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In Love and Gratitude,
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