
All Blog Posts (1,521)

I need help to launch a music and art site to help me dedicate myself to positive change...

- I am a musician and artist who wants to dedicate as much of my time as possible to helping this world.

- To do that I plan on building a website to showcase and sell my art and music and through that I will be more self sustainable and consequently I will then be able to dedicate more of my time, energy and money to encouraging Peace, Sustainability, Cooperation, Creativity and being Proactive in fixing the wrongs and building a better way for those here now…


Added by SoundsLikePeace on May 16, 2014 at 12:21am — No Comments

Everything But The Kitchen Sink - Peace Blog (Part 2)

You know that breath of fresh air feeling. When you feel absolute joy in that moment doing that thing. Whatever that thing is.  You can breathe with ease. You can't help but smile. There's a warmth inside your chest. You look upwards and say 'Thank you!' and try to stop yourself from dropping to the floor and making 'we're not worthy' arm movements.

Have you ever felt that when you washed the dishes?

When I was a teenager I rolled my eyes when my mum told me to…


Added by Sandy Lee Jones on March 15, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

My Peace Within Everyday

This stone symbolises my peace.

There is this saying that peace is found within us and it is in my nature to stay away from passing on any limiting saying or belief, but I think we can expand on ideas and make them grow and support us on our ever evolving path through life. 

So, I'll add to this notion that peace can be found within

  • moments
  • conversations
  • creations
  • inspired ideas
  • images in our…

Added by Sandy Lee Jones on March 13, 2014 at 9:30pm — 6 Comments

The Gate Beautiful.......

The Gate is known of historically, but still exists in the minds of the enlightened who on finding it and passing through, experience the transformation of their spirituality. Their material world is then seen in its reality as a burden of mankind that can only be changed to joyous living through our spirituality.
Passing through the portals of the Gate brings great knowledge and enlightenment often described as a living fountain. Those who have passed…

Added by Thomas Glen on January 18, 2014 at 12:50pm — No Comments

The Gate Beautiful.

The greatest adventure of a lifetime is far beyond human understanding of time and space. It is that of enlightenment of the human mind and transcends history by an introduction to a fountain of knowledge introduced through a gift of great love measured in universal proportions.…


Added by Thomas Glen on January 7, 2014 at 10:00am — No Comments

⁀˅⁀ (ˆ◡ˆ) Artist/writer * 4 W☮rld Pєλcє * P☯wer 2 the Pe☯ple write/right ☯n (ˆ◡ˆ) ⁀˅⁀

Maryanne works with discarded materials, usually nature's flotsam debris found on the beach. Having spent four years living in the Caribbean, she was inspired by the people, places, and cultures. First, painting sea life and birds with acrylics on bamboo, she moved on to coconut husk masks, driftwood carvings, and macramé integrating seashells and feathers. She has worked with recycled copper wire to craft hand-in-hand doll chains and paper mache angels. Reused milk jugs covered with… Continue

Added by Maryanne Patlak on December 2, 2013 at 6:00am — No Comments

The writings of a philosopher and seer 2013.


The great Goliath of our ignorance of Universal Law is such that as spiritual beings we ignore our powers of evil. Materialism is mainly our goals in which greed for power plays a major part in our very short lifetimes. The enlightenment of our knowledge to greater levels of understanding reality is immeasurable, bringing great love and peace and available to all peoples.

Universal Law is such that it comes about when evil pervades a planet to such a level that…


Added by Thomas Glen on November 20, 2013 at 6:12am — No Comments

Collaborators needed!

Hey folks, I really need people to help collaborate on songs of Peace, Rights, Earth, Harmony, Unity, Love and Sustainability. Any types of music.

We can do this over the net or if you're around Cincinnati Ohio USA we can record here.

I can start the song, you can start it, whatever approach works is fine by me.

I do have some song ideas started which can be…


Added by SoundsLikePeace on November 3, 2013 at 2:51pm — No Comments

The Gift Beautiful explained further.

The Spiritual Intervention.…


Added by Thomas Glen on October 23, 2013 at 10:45am — No Comments

The Gift Beautiful


Metaphysics is timeless and mainly unrecognised through being an invisible universal power constituting some ninety-per-cent of reality. Spiritual intervention is part of the great deliverance of humanity preparing the way to love and peace. It has now begun through knowledge and enlightenment being understood through the discovery of Descartes' third eye being experienced as a spiritual sensor. This enables an individual to know of things as yet unseen and greatly beneficial to…


Added by Thomas Glen on October 20, 2013 at 12:44pm — No Comments

Michel's Revolution #9 #11

You may find this story very hard to believe but it will turn out to be true.  I see it as almost our only hope of uniting people for common causes of turning around Imperialistic Foreign Policy so America can focus on being rebuilt from the bottom up: with things like Public State Banking to help fund States, along with getting worker owned Cooperatives off the ground.  Those are the 3 important solutions I see to making America the example it is here to be, so we finally fulfill our…


Added by Michael Cheverie Dewey on September 20, 2013 at 3:47pm — No Comments

The Widening Of Inequality

Added by Civil Rights Armando Olmos on September 18, 2013 at 3:54pm — No Comments

New Song: "Namaste" by Yaron

Vocals/Lyrics: Yaron

Guitar: Mic Aahh

(C) 2013 MyPeace Media LLC



Added by Yaron Fishman on September 17, 2013 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments


All of us love to live in peace and good environment and peacefully. We all know the environmental cause nowadays. Where do we get peace of mind. The global warming is concern. And there are many problems we face in our daily life. Who created this problems who is responsible. When will we solve these problems. Due the environment we live there is no peace of mind. Without mental peace we cant expect anything. We must have mental peace and we must try to protect our planet earth from calamities… Continue

Added by MOHOMMADIBRAHIM on August 25, 2013 at 10:01am — No Comments

Further enlightenment.

A new universal spiritual intervention has brought into being the philosopher/seer, to explain to those who already have spiritual wisdom a way forward for greater progress to peace and plenty. Such understanding can be transferred to those who already have these qualities but are lost to those who hold materialism as their way of life. It is therefore important to find the fertile ground in which to sow the most precious seed of truth.

Materialism is only ten per cent of our DNA with…


Added by Thomas Glen on August 16, 2013 at 11:06am — No Comments

Today is MyPeace.TV's 5th year Anniversary!


Today, 8/8/13, is MyPeace.TV's 5th year anniversary! Whether you signed up on 8/8/08 or just recently, Thank You for being here!! 

A lot of wonderful content has been shared over the years, and today we are inspired to feature some of our all-time favorite original videos posted by MP…


Added by Yaron Fishman on August 8, 2013 at 2:00pm — 3 Comments

An Awesome Resource...

Hey Everyone...

As someone who is passionate about finding and sharing media content that serves our highest good, individually and collectively, I am very happy to let you know about an Awesome online/mobile resource for conscious media, offering over 5,000 streaming video titles in numerous categories. Although I've occasionally been able to find some constructive content through my cable company, MyPeace.TV's new affiliate…


Added by Yaron Fishman on June 2, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

I must admit...

I must admit, I've had many moments in which I felt very pessimistic about the direction humanity is heading. However, those moments have been greatly outweighed by the optimism I feel from witnessing people's incredible ability to break destructive cycles, evolve, and grow toward a much more loving, compassionate and holistic way of being. For this, I am deeply moved, inspired and thankful. ♥…


Added by Yaron Fishman on May 24, 2013 at 12:30am — 6 Comments

Democracy threatened

Interesting reading ‘brainwashing of dangers regarding hemp’ as our brainwashing amounts to destroying our United Kingdom including our Scottish world-renowned landscapes with thousands of windmills as follows.…


Added by Thomas Glen on April 25, 2013 at 7:00am — No Comments

"JOHN LENNON'S "IMAGINE"(A lesson in being soooooo WRONG) By ~KUUIPO MAKALANI ALII HUNAPRIESTESS IMAGINE " Sermon for Sunday April 22, 2013(A lesson in cause and affect) By Kuuipo Makalani "Imagine …


IMAGINE " Sermon for Sunday April 22, 2013(A lesson in cause and affect) By Kuuipo Makalani

"Imagine " Luke 7:18-19 Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour is risen! He is risen, indeed! Imagine the sadness of the world if the Saviour was still in His tomb? Imagine the darkness, the despair, the terrible tragedy of our condition if Jesus Christ…


Added by KUUIPO MAKALANI ~HUNAPRIESTESS~ on April 21, 2013 at 8:37pm — No Comments

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‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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