
MiraCulous's Comments

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At 10:40am on January 10, 2009, Glenn Franco Simmons said…
yes, and we are the waves off on sea. :-) Thank you for this. It's not too often that people share Bahai things with me. I live in an isolated area and am an isolated Bahai. Thank you for this.
At 10:15am on January 10, 2009, Glenn Franco Simmons said…
Thank you, Miss Mina, for becoming my friend. Peace to you, too.
At 12:28pm on January 7, 2009, VeganCaribChefMayra said…

Thank you for your Comment and ~ Love :-)
At 9:00pm on January 6, 2009, David Burnett said…
I found a great place to look up Ashoka. Go to and search the word Ashoka.
At 8:50am on January 6, 2009, David Burnett said…
Hey Miss Mina how are you? Last night I learned about one of the most amazing people I've ever heard of. His name was Ashoka. He was an emperor in ancient India. Look him up. You'll be glad you did.
At 2:42am on January 6, 2009, Ixmur said…
Vive l'an 9 !
C'est avec du 9 que l'on va faire du 9
Que 2008 aille se faire cuire un 9 !
Vive l'an 9 avec un moral tout 9
At 10:14pm on January 4, 2009, David Burnett said…
Hey Mina, I just wanted to check up on my buddy. I know the news is kind of desterbing these days. But there is always hope, that is as long as there are people like you in the world...people who care. I see from the comments that are always left here for you that you have been an incouragement to a lot of people. Keep up the good work. And thanks for doing what you do.
At 7:11pm on January 3, 2009, kathleen ann said…
i like spending a moment here in your space. thank u goddess!!!
At 3:20pm on January 3, 2009, Gary Beckwith said…
thanks for the book recommendation. I will definitely check it out.
At 12:28pm on January 1, 2009, HealingYourself said…
Hi Sista!
I loved that email.. and your Celine Song and this page is gorgeous!
I am working on Some of my sites..
I am getting quite a collection!
I am at:
Right now..Take a look and if you would like an invite I will send one right over!
As soon as I catch up I will look up the "11" in Numerology.. at youtube
you can search.. "11:11"
I have a great link for ya..
you can do a Birth chart With the Houses and AND a Numerology Report !
I am going to work on the Numerology on my site..
there is a 11:11 video there and I think some of these links..
I have a tyhychi channel at
it has playlists too!
11 is my life path in numerology.. and it is the value of my name "Rennie"
It means ILLUMINATION.. (and Spirituality)
and it is a Master number..
(which is more rare than the numbers 1-9 which most people have)
and it means your Life Purpose is to fulfill Spiritual Journey..
and you have to connect with that purpose to feel complete during this lifetime..
I have no doubt that you have 11's in your numbers!
Your are inspiring me to focus on the subject.. Thank you!
I have wanted to post it for a while!
Hey I can't wait to see the Larry King Episode! that sounds like great footage..
I just posted quite a few videos on the subject last week.. so Sync with that!
I feel that whole subject is gonna get more and more current.. really soon!
Whew! anything is possible there! all roads lead to that bit of history..
Thanks for everything.. I have more links I will get to you..
I am embedding this movie.. I found last night.. what a great way to ring in the New Year.. I had a lot of fun..and I was feeling a lot of strong forces too!
Some Illumination year this is gonna be! Have a great day.. talk to you later..
keep the emails coming.. love them! you rock my sista friend!
talk soon...Rennie
At 11:16am on December 31, 2008, George Gayl said…
what a lineup! have you seen Cadillac Records? It's pretty good!
At 12:19am on December 31, 2008, professor angelicus said…
Miss Mina
I'm an old gray panther who fought against the Vietnam war.
I like people who speak their mind. People who speak up get
things done! KEEP YOUR WORDS COMING. Why are your comments
gone from Jan Wards blog?
At 11:27pm on December 29, 2008, David Burnett said…
AAHH! The LOVE Park.
At 9:59pm on December 29, 2008, David Burnett said…
You know it's funny you should mention a shooting in Philly. I just moved out of Philly in September. I, myself was robbed at gunpoint outside Philly, last summer. And I'm writing a book about the history of that city right now. Don't get me wrong though, I love Philly, and my first gaol in wrighting my book is to tell the story of all the people through the genrations who have stood against the violence there. I want people to realise that Philadelphia, in so many ways, is and always has been The City Of Brotherly Love.
At 9:57pm on December 29, 2008, HealingYourself said…
Hi Mina.. Your page is Soo Beautiful..! I Saw this video today and it reminded me of You! I just want to say "Thank You" for all the Inspiration you give everyday.. I am so blessed to have a Peace Soul Sister like You.. many, many thanks for making such a difference in my life,and everyone you meet.. Happy New Year.. My Sista!

At 8:25pm on December 29, 2008, David Burnett said…
Hey there Mina,

I was thinking. You mentioned how rediculous the argument is, that is so often brought up, about the Constitution protecting one's right to bear arms. And I couldn't agree more, so I'm giving you a little extra "amunition" for your argument. First of all, the US Constitution defines the right to bear arms in terms of a well regulated malitia. The malitia, also known as the National Guard, is all it mentions. It doesn't say anything at all about private citizens owning guns. Another good point you could make is this. At the time the Constitution was written, it also protected a person's legal right to own slaves, and prohibited women and nonwhites from the right to vote. Therefore, the Constitution is clearly not infalable, and even if it were, it still does not give any American the legal right to own a gun.
At 12:15pm on December 29, 2008, Laurie said…
thank you! you have a beautiful page=) peace and love to you and Happy New Year!
At 11:13pm on December 28, 2008, David Burnett said…
Miss Mina, how are you? I haven't talked to you lately. I love your new pictures. I was watching the news last night about the fighting in the Gaza Strip. Why does the violence continue? Why did they kill Rabin? Why did they kill Sadat? These things just break my heart. I added a great speach by Elie Wiesel to my blog. You should check it out. Careful though, the first time I read it, it made me cry.
At 3:15pm on December 25, 2008, HealingYourself said…

You are such a Joy.. to my Life and Everyone of Us!
Such a pleasure to know you and call you friend.. Happy Holidays..
thank you for being an endless source of Inspiration!
You are truly an Earth Angel.. to each of us!
Muah! Rennie
Here is to an very Illuminated 2009.. bringing in that 11 energy to light our paths.. Happy New friend!
At 12:21pm on December 23, 2008, Nina Goncharova said…
hello dear Miss Mina - I am bery much moved and ispired by your unlimited devine creativity and the way you treat life- awesomeness, beauty and constant transformation
Thank you for being here on this Earth for bringing the Beauty of consciouse life into reallity!
My love flows to you over oceans

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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