
Analysis of a new prophesy shows the protected nature of the subject as scientists cannot fully understand the metaphysical. Present day computers can only store such data but cannot interpret the meaning due to a poverty of mind by humanity. However to help and simplify understanding, prophesy is a method of working whereby the brain does not need to process information as normal but is given enlightenment that is easy and identifiable knowledge which is outside the sphere of the individual's learning and far beyond the latest scientific fields of discovery. This metaphysical breakthrough does however lead to a mixture of wording when prophecies are made, that shows word form of incomplete learning stemming from the particular individual but far outweighed by the truth of the Geist of the subject and this is what often confuses the academic mind that reads then closes down by a non-response. Should these same academics apply scientific procedure to their learning, the truth would then be tested and assessed showing the knowledge and enlightenment put forward by the individual proclaiming a prophetic ability?

That as it may, the prophesy can be limited to a period of time and often fraught with the background of the usual wars, greed and collapse of nations all due to the great poverty of mind as spoken of by a prophet. How, why, where and when are normally asked by those who go beyond the prophet’s revelations and study the implications of such changes. To answer those, the prophet explains that change has already come and this can be acceptable to the majority of peoples. ‘When’ change comes is the paradoxical question as the ‘why’ is not always fully understood. However ‘when’ is more urgently needed as it confirms a time that can be again acceptable to peoples through their own history such as 2012 when the media awaited the ending of the Mayan calendar and the start of a new spiritual beginning for humanity. ‘Where’ is answered by a worldwide event in sky change, by a brilliance of starlight being prophesied, as a physical acknowledgement of the new spiritual change beginning within our own lifetime. The method of this change is already known through prophesy but would be unacceptable to many through the human poverty of mind already spoken of, but - as another Scot said “that man to man the world o’er shall brithers be for a’ that” and now it is happening since 2012 as prophesied.           


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