
I was listening to someone interviewing Hillary Clinton earlier this year, discussing the historic nature of her campaign as a possible first female US president. Here’s what hit me.

While history IS being made it’s so anti-climatic compared to the feeling we get from reading about it long after it's over. It’s too normal, almost mundane to be watching some gal in a brown pantsuit talk about the drama unfolding before us. It’ll be much cooler to read about Hillary Rodham Clinton in about 100 years. People then can imagine how it might have been, get all gassed up about what it must have felt like to have been there...witnessing, being part of it all, seeing her in person, watching it unfold.

"My god, it must have sent chills up their spines!" they'll say of us.

Uh...not really.

While I was watching her speaking, LIVE on the telly, I was lying on my sofa wearing unmatched slippers, shoving chips and salsa into my mouth, and barely listening. But there it was, by golly, in all its glory. HISTORY IN THE MAKING!.

Heck, even Hillary seemed a bit bored with the idea.

"Yes, it's true" she nodded, cheesing it up as much as possible to reflect the topic at hand.

Ain’t it always the case with us humanoids? When things are really happening, live and in the moment we're all, "yeah yeah yeah…big friggin’ deal. I’m alive. Whoop-tee-do."

History's unfolding? Hey, that’s cool but my car needs an oil change, the cat’s got a hairball and I’m hungry for Taco Bell.

Yeah, I know I’m alive, but guess what? So and so died!

"Holy shit, really?" Now that’s dramatic. That’s something to write home about. That gets the ol' juices flowing in a REAL big way.

We’re awfully funny little creatures. We get excited about some of the oddest things yet find quite useless and dull some pretty awesome each breath, like the simplicity of life itself.

Th past? VERY interesting. Future? SO intriguing. The Present?

"Not now. I’ve got a headache."

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