- 1.BryL-5A6ZEQ
- 2.watch?v=BryL-5A6ZEQ
- 3.AHAVA KMO MAYIM (Love Like Water)
WE ARE ONE is one out of 13 songs in my new CD HARBEH TOV (SO MUCH GOODNESS in Hebrew).
It's the only song in English. I wrote it during the second Lebanon war, visioning it sung by people all over the universe - together.
Leaving aside all the pain, anger & fear, understanding that we really ARE one.
We all share one planet.
We all want to be loved.
During the war ( one of many wars I've experienced as a resident of the middle east...) I felt a strong urge to do something that would make a change.
People in Israel were so depressed by the situation.
The media brought more & more sad stories, as if that was the only thing that existed in the world.
That created very bad energy.
People lost hope.
Intuitively I gathered a singing circle in a big park in Tel Aviv, sending invitations by e-mail & sms to everyone I knew.
It was a cloudy August evening .
We sang my mantras/songs, then I started to sing We Are One and everyone in the circle joined in.
Suddenly people noticed that above us a big round hole formed in the middle of the clouds, showing a piece of clear sky!
It was amazing.
The energy of our singing had opened the gates right above us!
Since that August evening I've been singing this song in several peace gatherings & festivals in Israel.
Another moving experience was at a special gathering of Arabs & Jews on the same day when Israel celebrates its Independence & the Israeli Arabs morn their Nakba (disaster).
There was a very special & touching ceremony , held in a church in Nazareth.
People shared their private war memories, after which I started singing WE ARE ONE.
Everyone there joined in.
The singing echoed from the church walls and vibrated in the hearts, changing the energy from grieving to uniting.
And, a completely different story - last May Chris Crowford (founder of WOMEN FOR A CHANGE community) played WE ARE ONE at her wedding ceremony!!!
I never dreamed! (it's a long story...)
Anyway, the newlyweds came to Israel for their honeymoon, we met of course, and now these two beautiful souls are part of my life.
I recommend every woman to join that amazing & important community.
WE ARE ONE (lyrics&music/Ronit Shefi)(C)
We are one, we are one,
We are one, we are one, we are one.
We live our lives seeking for love
When all the love is within us.
Added by Ronit Shefi 3 Comments 0 Likes
Posted on August 2, 2009 at 9:23pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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May the winds of the wilderness, always stir the wildflowers, growing in the springtime of your heart.
13 songs of feminine healing energy.
Lots of vocal harmony & magic...
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes- for some reason I did not see it until today...Thank you for the wonderful things you are doing and for the Light that you shine...Keep up the Great work! Together we CAN make World Peace a Reality <3
Namaste :)

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