Today I participated in a memorial event in
Tel Aviv, held outside the Israeli Gay community center, after a hate massacre last night, leaving
2 young people dead, and many others severely wounded.
I don't know what kind of news about Israel reaches the world outside my country, so I feel it's my duty to share this terrible information with you:
Last night I was shocked to hear that a murderer went into the building of the Gay community, while there were teenagers in there, and shot from an automatic gun everywhere.
It was a terrible massacre.
He ran away and hasn't been caught yet.
It's been a horrible day.
It woke me & many people to understand how much hatred and ignorance there still is in the world towards anyone "different".
It woke up a few politicians, who dared to speak & actually say words such as "homosexuals" & "lesbians".
It's our duty to do much more for educating the young generation for tolerance towards one another, if we truly want PEACE to exist!
I'm very sad today, but I know that for me - this is a wake-up call.
I will appreciate your commenting on this.
Thank you.
PEACE & LOVE to all,
Ronit/ Israel.
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