
Daniel LaLiberte
  • 70, Male
  • Acton, MA
  • United States
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  • Michael Cheverie Dewey
  • Rickbischoff
  • enchantresskasha
  • David C. Byers aka DC13
  • Jennie
  • Yaron Fishman


How AI is decoding ancient scrolls | Julian Schilliger and Youssef Nader

AI researcher Youssef Nader and digital archaeologist Julian Schilliger share how they used AI to virtually "unroll" and decode the Herculaneum scrolls, burnt and buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius nearly 2,000 years ago. Learn how AI could help decipher a range of artifacts, revealing clues about the mysteries and achievements of the ancient world.

I’m a conservative — and I care about the climate, too | Danielle Butcher Franz

Environmental challenges aren't for just one political party to deal with — everyone must work together to solve them, says conservation champion Danielle Butcher Franz. Drawing on her work with young conservatives mobilizing environmental action, she shares how bridging divides and embracing shared values is the only way to tackle one of the world's biggest problems.

How to turn setbacks into success | Amy Shoenthal

Success rarely happens in a straight line, with setbacks all but guaranteed along the way. What's the best way to recover? Leadership coach Amy Shoenthal lays out the four phases of the "setback cycle" and explains how to transform difficult moments into opportunities for reinvention and progress.

The art of marketing — for good | Raja Rajamannar

Can marketing transcend traditional business goals and actually be a force for good? Mastercard CMO Raja Rajamannar shares how purpose-driven initiatives — like “touch cards” for the visually impaired and debit cards that let people choose how their names appear — align profit with purpose and position businesses to create meaningful, positive change. (This conversation was hosted by TED's Whitney Pennington Rodgers.)

How distributed work can unlock your potential | Avani Prabhakar

The option to work from home means that work truly works for everyone, says Avani Prabhakar, chief people officer of a large tech company. She explains how flexibility and asynchronous collaboration in a distributed workplace can unlock diverse global talent, level the playing field for introverts and actually increase productivity — without damaging company culture. (Made in partnership with Atlassian)

Welcome to my little perspective on peace

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
I tend to come out of my shell via silent words, with time to read, reflect, think, respond, and freedom to explore and create as I please. But I do love to engage with others over shared interests, or learn something completely new and different, wild and crazy, or just plain simply awesome when you look at it through the eyes of someone else. So don't hesitate to send me stuff that might be just hit the spot, or ask me anything I might have an opinion on.
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 7:48pm on October 16, 2009, Daniel LaLiberte said…

At 1:25pm on October 16, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
At 3:46am on July 21, 2009, said…
At 11:52am on June 25, 2009, Matthew Oakes said…
About my Profile pic of violet hands:

I chose to do it in that color due to it being the higher color of the spectrum and chakra system. Also because of the Violet Flame energies. It looks pretty and I think a lot of people connect purple/violet with spiritual matters and I want to entice more people towards this site.

Thanks for asking!
At 2:59pm on May 28, 2009, Diana said…
Hi Daniel, Thank you for the welcome. I belong to this group:

With regards to not knowing your own "strength", living in loving consciousness is what being a Lightworker is all about, from my perspective. It's not all about having "supernatural gifts", although those seem to come with the developing of our mindful path.

Also, please view my video on the world wide event that is to take place on June 21st at 5:00 p.m. PST. A healing meditation for our waters. We are 70 percent(?) water and we cannot survive without water. Masura Emoto has shown that we can change the structural dynamic of water crystals though our thoughts and words, so he and Dr. Len Horowitz have spearheaded this world wide event to heal the planets' waters through chanting and the 528 hz frequency attunement of music. Link to event:

Theta Healing:


At 1:16pm on May 27, 2009, Jennie said…
hi daniel, someone commented on my page for the first time today and this made me seek out a few members on my own. welcome to this group. would you consider filling out some kind of profile to tell us more about you? i have family in maynard and i live in MA too. for now i just want to say hi and i hope you are finding peace in this difficult world. i feel like i move more toward it every day and i hope the same for you. today i am enjoying quiet, the rain and some of the people in this group. people can be such treasures when you're in the place to find them. hope you are happy and make new friends here. and i'm wishing myself the same! check out my page if you have time. most sincerely, jennifer
At 3:44am on May 27, 2009, said…


welcome peace Pictures, Images and Photos

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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