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Jennie's Friends

  • Daniel LaLiberte
  • Elieno P Costea
  • jimmsfairytales0com
  • GandhiServe Foundation
  • Yaron Fishman

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Jennie's Page

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At 6:55pm on October 14, 2009, Yaron Fishman said…
human peace sign
At 7:36pm on May 27, 2009, Daniel LaLiberte said…

Good of you to share some of your extroverted energy and get things moving. Thanks, and now maybe I will have to return the favor, indirectly, and find some more people to welcome. What a great idea!

We moved to Acton (neighboring town of Maynard), a dozen years ago to raise kids in the pretty good schools, along with pretty fine neighborly communities. I work mostly in Cambridge (I've changed jobs several times, maybe just for the variety of experiences), travelling by commuter train - I would never work where I have to drive long distance.

Life goes on, and we are doing fairly well, though I see signs of stress on everyones lives. Still, it seems to me there is a non-rational optimism drawing us all together, no matter what the difficulties, or maybe because of the difficulties. In any case, I can feel the excitement ever-increasing, and this MyPeace.TV effort is just one of many examples of exciting things happening. I'm looking forward to exploring this space, making more connections, and co-creating peace.
At 4:55pm on May 27, 2009, Elieno P Costea said…
Merci ! Jennie ! Pleased to meet you, I came on this site as an experiment and some exploration. "We live in a political world where "peace" is not welcome at all - Bob Dylan. Peace should'nt have to be even brought up, It should be as natural as rain ! Now that I got that out of the way !! So you're from Boston, I'm from Vancouver, BC, Canada,do you know where that is ? I felt the Alan Parson's song sung by Eric Stewart of 10cc was appropriate for introducing myself to the site. I checked your page out, would you like to keep in touch ? Where's your pic ? LOL.... till soon Elieno
At 4:02pm on May 27, 2009, jimmsfairytales0com said…
Dear Jennie,
I don't have the money to buy new music, have to wait until I can borrow CDs from the library or find them in bargain bins (and you don't find a lot of Indigo Girls in bargain bins - we fans are usually fiercely devoted, don't get rid of old CDs), so I've never heard "bury my heart at wounded knee" or their remake of Jesus Christ Superstar (didn't even know that the latter existed).
However, I AM splurging the US$40 entry to Birmingham (Alabama)'s City Stages this year (I'm presently on a visit to the USA), where they will be playing. I saw them 10 years ago (on my last USA visit) as part of the Lilith Fair Tour.
As to your not having seen Pleasantville in its entirety: you really should! It's a wonderful film. There's a great line in it: "...Or are you going to be too busy with your coloured girlfriend?!" [sneer], which, when seen in context, really hits home... on so many levels. You can see most of the film on YouTube, broken up into 10min segments. Unfortunately, the first part is missing, so that you don't see the full extent of the great antagonism between the McGuire and Witherspoon characters (brother and sister) with which it begins, nor do you see the introverted, escapist, shy world of his character, before he gets to become a hero. But still, it's a joy to be able to see it anywhere, anytime. Start here and then - at the end of each part, click on the next part... right up to the glorious ending!

We might have been friends forever, but I've asked you to proclaim it to the ( world by accepting my friends request (upper right on your profile page)...
Yes, Jimm's is a play on Grimm's. Several of my children's stories are re-workings of the traditional fairy stories (Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella, The Princess And The Frog) told from a different, feminist, non-authoritarian viewpoint. How old are your girls? Have they read those classic versions yet? My MAIN aim in writing is not to convince anybody that my version is the only one... or even the best one. What I want to get across is that there is always another side to the story, that we should not always believe everything that one side tells us, before considering the other side.
If we'd all grown up thinking like that, do you think that there would be so many wars about?
At 6:19pm on May 26, 2009, jimmsfairytales0com said…
I see that you're a fellow Indigo Girls fan (only 4[!] declared fans on this site, according to "advanced search").
Check out my video of This Train Revised...

I also see that you've added that wonderful Fiona Apple video cover of one of my 2 favourite Beatles' songs, but you don't include Pleasantville in your film list. Have you seen it?

Having come to your page, as a result of that Indigo Girls search, I read your "About Me" entry and realised that we have always been friends!

Profile Information

About Me/Us:
I believe in and practice non-violence. I believe in the ideas and works of Gandhi, Dorothy Day and Martin Luther King. They fought back but never used the violence that was thrown at them. They used truth and love. I believe that history teaches us that violence, as a response to violence, never stops it. I care about suffering. I do not believe some people should die over others simply because of the place of their birth. I understand self defense, but I do not believe we know when it is time for self defense until it is up close to us. This is why I do not wish soldiers to die for me, or to kill for me. I would rather be responsible for myself. I am so sorry about the suffering of our soldiers, past and present. They will face such a hard life now. I am so sorry for all the people that died from here and in Iraq, especially those who did not sign on for this suffering, either civilians, or soldiers who were lied to. I am sorry for all the families who have lost someone because I lost my husband although not through war. I just know how much it hurts.

I have wanted war to stop since I was eleven years old. I try to get to Washington DC and Boston peace marches whenever I can and sign things on line. I wish I could do more, but it's hard. I am well-educated, academically speaking, experientially speaking. I became a lawyer, but now I work for Starbucks and I teach part time. (Social Justice, Peacemaking Circles and Bullying Behavior). I love music more than anything except my girls. I play piano and try to get better at it and I still dream one day I will write the best book ever! Or maybe that will be you!
Relationship Status:
Shawhshank Redemption, Ghandi, Chocolat, Empire of the Sun, Spirited Away, Elf, Moulin Rouge
Back in the 70s, Little House on the Prairie, The Bionic Woman, Fantasy Island.... It all went downhill from there!
Beatles, The Who, Evanescence, Josh Groban, Iron and Wine, Springsteen, Indigo Girls, Classical Piano, Duncan Shiek, Broadway Soundtracks/Singers
The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon
Toni Morrison, Ghandi, John Lennon, Dorothy Day

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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