
today was spent pulling weeds out of the horse pasture and working on a rock wall to the north of the barn

the horses are in good spirits after the stormy weather rolled through

the dog isn't happy with me because I had to squirt some medicine in his ear

played some guitar last night

that's about it...what did you do outside today?

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I walked the dog...about to do that again actually, it's beautiful outside ;)
yes a beautiful day,

I figured out how to work the old cider press after my first post, which is a good thing because I have 5 apple trees that need picking!
Today was spent working on the front flowerbeds and pouring the knee wall on the foundation for the new solar home out back. So far so good! Think I'll move some of the plants around and consolidate 5 small flowerbeds into two larger ones. The beds by the existing house should really be moved anyway.

Lots of tomatoes this year, and plenty of peas. The onions didn't do so well but they got a late start.
Sounds fun, lately I've been catching myself in meditative states while I work on the yard. Doing repetitive motions in a fairly mindless exercise has its rewards.
I can relate. I don't do much work outside like you do, but when I am doing dishes or vacuuming I tend to get into meditative states and be really really present in the moment (unless I'm in a big hurry to finish :) ).
Great hearing about your farm. I grew up that way; cows, sheep, pigs, chickens...manure! I still feel more comfortable in a barn than a mall.

Luckily I live very close to Michigan State University which has protected so much of the land around here, using it for agriculture testing, which means lotsa land, animals, barns, fields. Great places to go hang out.

It's too cold to do much outside right now, but whenever there's a break in this freezing stuff, I go out and at least drive around to see something besides buildings and pavement.

Here's my 89 yr old mother riding last year.


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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