
Do you like to Rhyme?...I know some of us do :)

So let's play a game...

I'll write a line, then someone will reply to my line and add a rhyme, then someone will reply to their line with a rhyme...and so on and so on--each person posting one rhyme at a time...

before we know it we'll have a very very long poem ;)

And feel free to change the rhyme scheme from time to time (though it's sometimes fun to see how long we can keep one rhyme scheme going :) )...

those are the guide lines of the game...let's have fun :)

I'll start it off with this line:

Let's co-create a Rhyme

(***Please scroll down, go to the last page, and reply to the most recent post***)

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It's the peace that is real, it's the peace that's inside
with monumental minds, and continental times, we come together now, to watch a special kind
A special kind of evolution that gives sight to the blind
transcending cultural boundaries, we leave seperation behind, realizing that oneness is not so hard to find
a love far beyond what words can define
And with all this truth, Faith is implied
by clearly understanding, we let hatred die
lets soak up the feelings that make us high
the Soul's Gratitude can't be denied
gratitude alludes to latitude leaving dreams and reality to gravity
The reality which forms all possibilities
out of the darkness, into the light, ready for what may seem foreign or strange,


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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