

SYNCHRONICITIES AND SO-CALLED coincidences are clear signs that the Divine Source is knocking at your door. Sometimes it could be a soft tap or for those times when you’re not really paying attention, it could be a louder bang! When “source” uses synchronicity as a method of communicating, it can manifest itself in some pretty unique ways, which I call my divine nudges.

Have you heard the same phrase or saying from a number of different people in one day?

Do the same numbers keep showing up over and over in your life?

Has someone mentioned the same person you were just thinking of?

Have you met someone out of the blue who answered a question that you were just asking yourself?

These are all signals that you should pause, be open, and pay attention to these signs, but most important: to acknowledge that the source is trying to send you a message.

I heard a story once about a man who was having a hard time changing careers. The process was clearly causing him a lot of stress with all the doubts, twists and turns, and unanswered questions. He’d been offered a new job but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to leave the security of his existing job where he’d worked for years. One day as he was driving to work in a state of indecisiveness, he asked himself the questions that had been churning in his mind: “Should I take the new job? Will I be happy? Am I doing the right thing?”

At that precise moment he looked up and saw a bus drive by. The billboard on the side of the bus had a Nike advertisement with the slogan: “Just Do It!”

These are not just coincidences! I don’t believe there are accidents in this intelligent universe. It is times like these that you should ask yourself: “What am I supposed to be learning or doing right now?” I feel when these synchronistic events occur; it’s the inner workings of your soul showing up in your outer physical world.

Synchronicities act as signposts or mile markers, guiding and directing you, or even helping to align your personal growth. I want to encourage you to notice when you’re being sent such signs, signals, people, patterns, books, articles, and so on. I think of them as little gifts. These special gifts help direct you on your path toward your goals, and they also help you follow your soul’s guidance—all you have to do is ask and be watchful.

Soon the Universe could well be knocking on your door!

Here are six tips that will help you tap into and work with synchronicities:

Pay attention to meaningful synchronistic events and coincidences. The more you do this, the more they will guide you.
Notice when you run into people unexpectedly. Really listen to what’s being said in the conversation and the hidden message that could be there for you.
If there’s a certain problem in your life, try to let it go and let synchronicity play its part.
What you’re saying to the Divine Source is: “OK, show me! Let me be aware and act when the answer or guidance is being presented to me.”
Get a journal and start recording any synchronistic events. This will allow your intuition to become even more aware when source is knocking on your door.
Believe that Divine nudges are possible. A positive attitude enhances the experience, just as a negative attitude will shut it down.

John Holland is an internationally renowned psychic medium and teacher who lectures, demonstrates, and reads for private clients; and who has spent more than 20 years developing his abilities. Visit

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This summer, I had taken a trip to see a college friend and her family.  I was struggling with the fact that a man I had fallen for had taken a girlfriend earlier that spring.  I had been devastated.  The day after I arrived, I was walking my friend's son around the block when I looked up and saw this man's last name tacked onto a neighbor's house just 5 doors down from my friend.  The last name was not a common one, so I couldn't help but smile at knowing he WAS still with me.

LOL OMG that is hysterical! things like that happen to me too....Last time I was trying to get ovr someone, I decided, I'm just gonna zone out, veg out N get into a couple good movies tonight Lol I went to HBO on demand (and you know there are tons of movies to choose from! righttt), The first one I picked, there was a little boy in the movie with his name (not starring or anything, but was in quite a few scenes lol n it seemed like they kept on saying his name like tonsss of times, it was ridiculousss! lol) , then I picked a 2nd movie, N the guys name was a different language version of his name!! N in one of the scenes, joking around, his friend called him the Same version (his name) LOL

2 movies in A ROW that I RANDOMLY picked....I dunno...that's just so insane to does this happen?! Lol


Oh N the other day, I was like hmmm do I want horseradish on my sandwich? N I never really ask myself that lol and I was like nooo I don't. Then later that evening, I was reading a book and it said that 'to a worm in horseradish his whole world is horseradish"..can you believe that Lol?!..wierd. realllly bizarre Lmao 


Universe is a very strange awesome wierd n crazy a$$ place 


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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