
Observers of Synchronicity


Observers of Synchronicity

This is a group for us to come together and share our synchronistic events. No Miracle is too small to share! SO PLEASE DO :)

Location: Ever Expanding Universe
Members: 21
Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2012

Miracles are like Butterflies....if you don't stop to notice....they fly right by you...

Discussion Forum

Synchronicities--What exactly are they?

Started by MiraCulous. Last reply by MiraCulous Jan 28, 2011. 6 Replies

Universal Messages- "Signs"

Started by MiraCulous. Last reply by MiraCulous Jan 28, 2011. 2 Replies

Songs about ~*Miracles : )

Started by MiraCulous. Last reply by Kimberly V Mar 6, 2009. 1 Reply

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Comment by MiraCulous on May 22, 2010 at 11:27am
was watching some of hot tub time machine ( i know lol ) and mentioned something about a show on time travel I just watched with Stephen Hawking, two seconds later they mentioned him in the movie!!
Comment by MiraCulous on November 27, 2009 at 12:15pm
after seeing a story on the Today show this morning, I was intrigued and wanted to know more- I went to "Herodotus"- & Cicero came up! ( his quote is currently featured)- I do not ever recall hearing his name before this.....
Comment by Precious Lotus on November 17, 2009 at 3:15am
May the Divine Lights shine and free all beings from their sufferings. Will keep all those unfortunate souls in my meditation and prayers. The day will come when PEACE ON EARTH PREVAILS.
Comment by Mousa Abu Maria on November 17, 2009 at 1:14am
My name is Mousa maria. I am an Palestinian living in the Beit ummar Area. I have been working for peace and for many years.
My work has nothing to do with any shade of politics. I come as a human being to support other human beings who are willing to help themselves.
My understanding is that we need to be together and support each other, it is the only choice we have. In order to do so we need to release the fear of the two societies.
Since the painful event of September 2002, the second Intifada, I cannot formally visit my friends there. This is a big loss for me. After my personal loss twenty years ago, I fill in as the mother of all children on earth.
There are many children in Gaza Strip and in many of the cities and refugee camps in the West Bank who call me.
Being aware that fear rules, during the last ten years I have composed an educational program called Culture of Peace. Born and living all my life in the Middle East (Israel), it is very clear to me that we should invest our entire energy to compassionately acknowledge the fear.
We should then release the fear by getting to know each other and recognizing our own reflection in the other, by opening our hearts and being the unconditional love that we really are.
The program is mainly for young people and teachers and it contains different creative activities to reactivate the Inner Peace and Unconditional Love
Comment by MiraCulous on June 26, 2009 at 4:49pm
has anyone else been noticing 1:43 , 11:43, 10:43 = I've heard that these numbers mean 'I Love You' or stand for 'Love' - In General.


May the Light of Love Shine on the Entire Universe and all Beings <3

Comment by Precious Lotus on June 20, 2009 at 9:59pm
I have had quite a number of synchronicity in my life. In fact they happened much before I even knew what synchronicity is all about. It was in the looking back that I see the path curved out.

Anyway, I decided to write down as much as I can whenever synchronicity happens just so that I could have a clear picture of it.

The most recent one came today. Lately, I 've been constantly in antagonism with my son. More so now that he is off school. These past few days it seems that I got rather edgy and was very sensitive to my kids snapping at me.

When I open the Wisdom of Oneness e-mail, the message today is:-

“Your most profound emotions are triggered intentionally – not for the purpose of reinforcing your proficiency of repressing them but with the objective of stimulating profound reaction.”

Then later I open another e-mail lessons and it goes :-

If a Divine being deserves love, so do you, you little Divine being you!

You don't like it when somebody you love snaps at you, but if you oppose that person, you become a snapper too. You don't like it when you snap at someone you love either, and again, if you oppose yourself you're not only the snapper, you're the anti-snapper too!

But what happens if you love the snapper no matter where he or she appears? Loving the snapper instantly turns you from the snapper into the lover. Love is magic, yes?

Practice for the Day:
No matter what you see or hear around you, say silently of it, "I am that." But remember, you're not just the frustrated driver who flips you off; you're also the massive assortment of flowers that meets you as you walk into the grocery store. If you are one with everything, you're the raccoon digging in your garden, the cancer cells metastasizing in your aunt's body, the first warm breeze in Spring, that impossibly large diamond you once saw, and every note of your favorite song.

Interesting list, isn't it? It's comprised of "good" things and "bad" things, and as you may have guessed, the trick to today's practice is that in order to do it, you can't really judge anything. While "it's all good" is technically a judgment, in practice it's not. It's just a way of saying that no matter what arises in your experience, you're "good with it."

So love it all, because it's all you, and I am that.
Comment by Lynn M. Lansford on May 18, 2009 at 12:24am
I am a visonary and a Medium. Every event is neutral. We chose to see it either from love or fear: good or bad. When we tune into higher frequencies, we FEEL the energy of the moment. Every encounter is for us to learn from. When our energy level is high enough we become tuned in to see beyond the perception of what we have been told is real. You have the choice every moment to choose to see from the higher level of love. That is when we truly "see." Namaste
Comment by Ron Adams on March 31, 2009 at 10:21pm
interesting synchronicity for me on Saturday March 21st, the first day of spring equinox. On the bus ride to Boulder, a car passed with the license plate 666. If that was not enough, right behind it the car's plates read 777. What are the odds, especially as Obama heads to Europe? The last 2 days we've seen 777 both days.
Comment by MiraCulous on March 31, 2009 at 9:14am
i agree with you 100% ;-)

thank you for sharing Ron <3
Comment by Ron Adams on March 31, 2009 at 12:32am
everything is a mirror. I always pay attention to the synchronicities, for I feel, this is the way for the world and universe to speak personally to me, and give me spiritual guidance.

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