
The Global Village Women promote random acts of kindness. The purpose is to show appreciation, which creates a chain reaction of active demonstration of more love and more kindness in the world. Resulting in revealing the hidden door to our positive nature.
Our world is shifting back to a place where we are “one”. Frequencies are rising. Automatically, many people are choosing to end dead-end relationships and surrounding themselves with other like-minded people. People are able to access what they call gifts which is simply a natural process of consciousness. When one becomes more “awake” they can see. More and more, people all over the world are experiencing incidences of oneness to the extent that the instances can no longer be considered coincidence.
Those that choose to follow the negative people and negative things, like sheep, will be left behind meaning people will continue to experience the world as they see it,negative or positive. As the shift is happening, humans are experiencing a DNA upgrade. The activation sequence or bridge to ascension causes people to awake to what is real and help guide others to a new way of living, into a greater love. This is the difference between what you “know” and what you “believe possible”. Knowing is constant like consciousness. That which changes is not real. Beliefs can change, they are rooted in what might be possible but you are just not sure. Fear and love can not exist at the same time. These two words are opposite. One pushes the other out of a given space.

For years and a lack of a better word, we have used the term, light-workers. These people are awakening rapidly to lead the way though there discovered personal skills, whether it is art, music, nursing, healing, humanitarianism, a mom kissing a child an extra time, a sister calling up a sister to say thank you, and the list goes on. More love in the world creates more peace. This passion to create selfless-service in ones life, will continue to grow. Gratitude is a parent to positive action. Do not worry about making a mistake because when coming from a place of true love there are no mistakes. Guaranteed, you will find the strength to speak the truth and the language of kindness.

In the new world, strife and suffering which are man made will disappear, if it has not already done so in your world. As the vibration continues to lift more and more positive experiences will emerge for all. The Global Village Women use words and kind eyes to help the spark of inspiration for family love and a positive personal spiritual journey of love.
Those that are activated will be more inclined to give, be kind, help and live in the grace of gratitude. Your can count on the Global Village Women to always have a kind word to say to one another. The sole creation of these women is for more people to come to a conscious place where they can take part in the positive side of the planetary vibrational shifts.

How the Global Village Women Appeared in My Life

I was in The Asheville Women’s Center of Hope, having a routine mammogram when a painting captured my curiosity. My nurse, Mary, noticed my passionate staring and said funny you should notice this piece. She began to tell me that the artist, Mrs. Causewell, was in her 80’s and had just been told she had cancer. “See the eyes, these are the eyes of a woman that has just been told she has breast cancer”. My body filled with goose bumps and my eyes welled up with an over whelming sense of grace and love. Mary continued, “She painted this piece and donated it to the center. Soon after she passed.” At that moment I heard and felt a message as profoundly loud as a message can be. It was clear to me that I was to continue painting the women in honor and spirit of all the Mrs. Causewell’s of the world; most importantly, with her blessing. The eyes were to evoke the passionate message of love and kindness to help usher us into oneness and a beautiful new world filled with love. I am sure of one thing, The Global Village Women are waiting for me to bring them forth out of the canvas so that they can share their message.
They are to cross all cultures, ethnicities, and awareness. Their message is gentle and kind and they do make a difference. A percentage of the each print or giclee’ is to go into a fund that will be donate to support a Global Village Women’s efforts to make a difference. They can be a mother, daughter, sister, grandma, granddaughter, wife or friend. Global Village Women make a difference through one random act of kindness at a time.


Views: 24

Comment by Thomas Moloughney on October 18, 2009 at 11:56am
awesome the only thing i may not agree with is (Those that choose to follow the negative people and negative things, like sheep, will be left behind.) This ia just a concept of the mind. Many awakening"s have been excellerated through suffering, karma in play. It may be what we have to go through for realization. Love those sheep as you would love all. This is how we all remember we are one.This is how (we cross all cultures,ethnicities,and awareness.) Random acts of kindness are for all never the special fewor another (concept).
Keep shining your light
Peace and Love
Comment by Arrachme Art on October 18, 2009 at 7:17pm
I adjusted the phrase on sheep. I don't think there is any karma left. I feels as though we are down to a choice to live in love in the present moment. A living relative of Ramana (also a spiritual teacher) told me. Arrachme, the classes are over. It is time for you. At this point, since we are all one, I have to experience, his message as if it were for all of us no just me. This validates your statement. No more karma is required, no more classes is needed, the time is now the present moment. Random acts of kindness are for all of us to execute. There is no special few, only one.
Comment by Thomas Moloughney on October 19, 2009 at 7:22pm
Beautyfull, thats right we are all one and we know and see the one in all as long as the body continues, as long as its awakened. The body's, wether they awaken or not are one. Love to all and Thank you Arrachme for your love and light.Continue spreading it the world needs it.
Love and peace


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