
Be still heart
You have loved much
Still you want more

Be still heart
I want what you want
But I am not pretty anymore

You heart makes me ache
But each morning when I awake
I greet the day in a wonderous way

I smile at everyone I meet
My kindness is real
It is not faked

I find a way to bring joy
To most everyone I see
Still my heart beats

Be still heart
I want what you want
Yet I want much much more

I want to see my children smile
I want to teach the blind to see
Without eyes

I want all wars to cease
I want the world
to finally find peace

Dear heart
You have been a friend
But I am through with you being sad

Heart it is time you made room
For me
Love me heart

Even though
I am no longer pretty
Love me anyway

Though no lover
Longs to hold me
Although I sleep alone

You heart should still love me
I have worked so hard for you
Needing to rest inside your warmth

Every lover you loved heart
Found a way to
Leave me

But heart
You have taken so much
How much do you need?

You awake in me a longing
For passion
A sweet caress

But heart you appear a dagger
Wounded and broken lovers
Lay all along the path you’ve made

Be okay heart
With gentle love
A returned smile

The morning calls
Your longing echoes again
Still there is a smile

A bird outside is singing
A breeze through the window
Cools my burning desire

It is time heart
For us to be still again
Greet the day with joy anyway



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