
~♥Straight from the Heart♥~ An Important Message regarding Humanity's Progress♥~

By: Valerie Donner


What interesting times we find ourselves living in right now? Do you agree? The whole planet is feeling more and more insane. All of our systems are running amok. People in our lives are experiencing challenges whether they are health, work, relationships, housing, life purpose or finances. We are in the middle of chaos and during these times it can feel almost impossible to find your way through.

We must remember that the dark forces are clamping down as much as they can to maintain their stronghold. They feel their power in the third dimension slipping away. They are doing whatever they can to maintain control over what they have yet they know that time is running short for them. The year 2012 is rapidly approaching.

The populace is awakening. Some are getting angry. Here in the U.S. it seems that our governments only know how to solve problems by taxing people more and by creating more debt. This is what the dark forces do. They attempt to take peoples’ very last penny to save their dying systems that work only to serve themselves. It is becoming increasingly apparent.

When these conditions occur it is easy to get discouraged. This is not the solution. We need to get creative and resourceful. We need to make a difference. Every thought we have and every action that we take as Lightworkers are powerful. We need to help each other. We can come together remembering our oneness and our needs by opening our hearts and by giving in whatever way we can give. Nothing is impossible. Everything is possible. We are moving out of limitation into powerful manifestation.


What can we do to rise above? We need to maintain the bigger perspective. Who is in charge? Do you believe that the Creator is in charge? Do you believe that if we remained with the status quo that humanity and life on the Earth could sustain itself? Can you see how service to self has run its course?

In a recent class taught by Archangel Gabriel (Benu through channel Karen, Gabriel told us to make a list of 40 reasons that we love God. He said that in the future we will question God (the Creator, Prime Source or whatever name appeals to you) as well as our spiritual path. We could question everything. We must remain on our path.

On February 3, 2010, I had my Monthly Meeting with the Masters Class. The Master Serapis Bey was with us with profound love and healing. He told us: “Be flexible like a weeping willow tree. Bend and yield. Laugh and play as children. The polar ice caps will be melting; rising waters will come down and there will be a lot of emotions. We will hold your hands. . . Be steadfast in your truth. Do simple things. Have simple pleasures. Don’t question. Accept change because change is for the greatest good.”


Adama, the High Priest from Telos, the Lemurian city that resides underneath Mount Shasta, told us that “The hollow Earth is coming alive. He said the crystals are alive. We will bring you help, guidance and love.” (Lemuria was an ancient highly evolved civilization that sank like Atlantis. Some of the beings who knew this would happen left and created Telos underneath Mt. Shasta. They have been holding the energies for the Christing of the Earth for thousands of years. If you want to know more about this you can read Aurelia Louise Jones’ books about Telos that are available in the MarketPlace on this website.)

In a recent message from Tom Kenyon and the Hathors, they mentioned the importance of relationships at this time. Love, relationships and appreciation are the primary keys to walking successfully through the last vestiges of 3D. Maintain the focus.

Here are some other suggestions that come to mind for us to create our stronghold of Light on the Earth:

  1. Be in the now moment.
  2. Be spontaneous.
  3. Watch and learn from the animals.
  4. Follow your inner guidance.
  5. Pay attention to the energies every day and respond accordingly.
  6. Give to one another in whatever way that you can.
  7. Be grateful for all that is in your life.
  8. Try to see the bigger picture.
  9. Create community.
  10. Gather in groups of other Lightworkers.
  11. Get assistance when you need it.
  12. Be in the flow.
  13. Don’t be attached to the past.
  14. Make a difference in someone else’s life every day.
  15. Focus on manifesting what you do want not what you don’t want through paying attention to your thoughts, doubts, fears, etc.
  16. Take excellent care of your body, mind, heart and soul.
  17. Be in nature.
  18. Ask for help when you need it.
  19. Ask “What will give me peace?” when you are in a challenging situation.
  20. Follow your heart.
  21. Be around children.
  22. Work with the earth.
  23. Read inspiring and empowering books and messages.
  24. Write to your legislators when you want to see change.
  25. Stay positive.
  26. Laugh a lot.
  27. Live your truth.
  28. Make empowering new choices for yourself when you feel change is necessary.
  29. Avoid stagnation. Remember life on Earth is not an endurance contest.
  30. Remember that you are here now because our Creator needs you. You were asked and you agreed to bring your love, Light and energy here at this time.
  31. Count your blessings.
  32. Pray and meditate.
  33. Share and be generous in whatever way you can.
  34. Learn to let go.
  35. Ask for healing when you need it.
  36. Create closeness to the Creator.
  37. Clear out clutter.
  38. Watch your language and words. (In a recent workshop Archangel Gabriel told us that bad language can actually be like sludge and impede our manifestations.)
  39. Listen to good music.
  40. Dance and sing.

    Valerie Donner is the founder of website. She is a spiritual counselor, intuitive healer/reader, energy healer, channel, and teacher. She works deeply at the heart and soul level to assist those in need. She works with your team and her team of Masters and Archangels like the Christ, Mother Mary, St. Germain, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul, Adama, Mira, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Ariel and Archangel Uriel, to bring quantum healing and realizations

Views: 80

Comment by MiraCulous on February 17, 2010 at 6:34pm
wow did this really post at 3:30? It is 6:30 by me?! lol wow <3


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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