
Status Updates and our Peace Media Social Revolution/Evolution...

Hi Everyone!

There's some good news I'd like to share with you. I was recently able to log into MyPeace.TV, go to my profile page (aka media channel) and post a status update which also appeared on Facebook and Twitter at the same time. What's even more exciting is I was also able to do this on my mobile phone! And since the Twitter account is connected to our MySpace page, the update appeared there as well :).

I appreciate how sometimes when I'm on MyPeace.TV or Facebook, I see a status update which inspires me, or teaches/reminds me of something I need to know at that moment. This functionality now makes it possible for MyPeace.TV members to post status updates on up to 4 places at once. The great thing about this is the potential for us to share insight, love and relevant info that can inspire/inform others. Many of us already do this, and here are some examples:

"While You Are Proclaiming Peace with Your lips- Be Careful to have it Even More Fully in Your Heart" ~Saint Francis of Assisi (posted by MiraCulous on 11/11/2009)

"There must be a communication revolution if a democracy of the people, by the people, for the people is to survive." (posted by Jorge Serrano on 3/4/2010)

"Holding the intention for Immediate food and health aid for Haiti. Peace of Mind and Heart for all of the people affected by it."
(posted by Courtney Jones on 1/13//2010)

"Tonight we play like there's no tomorrow. Thoughts out to those in Chile, Japan, Haiti & all others suffering. Love life every day. Peace." (posted by Jay D Clark on 2/27/2010)

"Forgiveness teaches us the most about human nature.." (posted by Jennifer on 10/21/2009)

"Many hands make Light Work."
(posted by Jonas Cain on 2/21/2010)

"able to log into from a mobile phone and post this status update onto facebook and twitter at the same time!" (posted by me on 3/6/2010 :))

I feel we can really use this tool to co-create a more peaceful and happier world.... what do you think?

The status update feature is located at the top of your profile page. If you'd like to be able to also post your updates on Facebook and/or Twitter, click on the icons directly below your status update.

Thank you for reading and for all you do to make the world a better place!

With Love and Gratitude,
Yaron and The MyPeace.TV Team

Views: 27

Comment by Nina Goncharova on March 7, 2010 at 8:07am
Thank you Yaron and the TEAM
You are doing a wonderful creative and loving work

with love and hugs from Siberia

Comment by Carrol A Doyle on March 7, 2010 at 10:21am
I have the Gift of Healing Hands, First in meditation .. I healed my own body (including two ruptured discs) ONLY took 14 days of visualizing a perfect spine, I had a huge lump in my throat, and it hurt to swollow, Doctors wanted me to wait 6 months before they did anything, in meditation i coughed it up the next morning, I healed my body of "most" of the Fibromyalgia (when docs said I had the worse case they ever 38 they did a nerve ending test and told me I would never get better, and that was like an 82 year old woman)..I started a Spiritual Journey..never ending, and in 1992 got rid of a tumor on my Mothers pancrease in 4 days (it left her body in the stool) she had full recovery, and lived until "it was her time in Sept 2007 at the age of 82..she had a fast growing brian tumor and nothing I did could cure that..then my father died in about 3 and 1/2 months later of terminal cancer that started in his kidney. He did not want to live with out my Mother..they were together for 63 he was looking forward to seeing her again. Even though my Mother lost speech, she managed to say this to me and they were the last word I heard from her.."carrol you can do the most amazing things with your mind)..I think she was in and out of crossing over., I have a strong connection with them both now, as I see them and hear them whenever they want to help me). I want to find a way to use my gift to live my life on Purpose and brings me Joy, and that is to help others. I have helped a few since 1992 but was a "closet" healer because I was called crazy and judged if I shared my knowledge with those in mainstream. I am trying to find a way to earn a living doing "God"s work..or whatever you want to call it" if any of you can offer me suggestions and advice, I would take it to Heart. Peace and blessing to all..we need more lightworkers to get out of the "closet" .. I get so much satifaction out of all my fb spiritual friends, without you guys, I would be lost,. Thank you all.
Comment by Thomas Mitchell Glen on March 8, 2010 at 5:02am
You have already started you new journey of healing, just let the angels design your path, they are very advanced, not like us!
Tom Glen.
Comment by MiraCulous on March 9, 2010 at 10:51am
Awesome! I was wondering about logging into mypeace on the phone recently actually. That is so cool we have this option now. I appreciate you featuring one of my most favorite quotes by one of my most favorite person / spirit guide. May We All practice the Way of Peace in Every Way Possible! <3


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