
STUDY CENTER: Intensive Residential Training and Certification Programs

International Thai Therapists Association, Inc. PANCHA KARMA SPECIALIST: RESIDENT ­ (Intern ship) / Training program:

Guru kulam - ITTA Category A, Approved Ayurvedic Training Center: Kerla India

Professional and practical hands-on Residential-(Internship) and / training in Pancha karma, special Rejuvenative Kerala treatments, Ayurvedic beauty therapy, Ayurvedic classical Medicine manufacturing,etc. We are offering a supervised, intensive course of study in conjunction with one of the largest and busiest Ayurvedic Hospitals in India! This is the next level for Thai Yoga Practitioners who desire deeper understanding and additional credibility in the Ayurvedic aspects of their healing practice. Yoga practitioners and instructors of any style will benefit. There are no pre-requisites for attendance other than good heart and willingness to serve and study diligently. This program may be used in conjunction with any ITTA Approved Programs... BareBones or Thailand Externship Programs. Students may complete up to 400 total hours in our exclusive India Externship Programs.

All of our Pancha Karma Programs in Kerla are now part of our 3000 hour SomaVeda™ Holistic Health Provider (HHP) Diploma Program. This program now qualifies graduates to sit for the ANCB National Boards for Traditional Naturopath in the US!

For details on the full HHP program please go to http://www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com/pages/hhp/hhp_curriculum.html

Gurukulam: ITTA Ayurvedic Training Center

Professional and practical hands-on Residenship-Internship & as well as regular type training in Pancha karma, special rejuvenative Kerala treatments, Ayurvedic beauty therapy, Yoga, Naturopathic treatments and Martial arts . This training program is designed for all Ayurvedic doctors (western doctor) and professional Ayurvedic massage therapists.

Our team consists of able-bodied and experienced Doctors (with specialties in Ayurveda, Naturopathic, Yoga and Beauty therapy) and Pancha karma therapists. The center has modern facilities and beach side huts for the training program. We also offer custom-made programs for beginners. We are able to train 16 students at a time

Theory And Practical Courses On
(a) Fundamental principles
(b) Ayurvedic pharmacology.
(c) Materia medica and preparation of medicine
(d) Pancha karma (Five cleansing therapies)
(e) Ayurvedic massage
(f) Clinical treatments and single-drug therapy
(g) Yoga therapy
(h) Detailed study of herbal plants
(i) Meditation
(j) Vajeekarana and Rasayana (Aphrodisiac, and Rejuvenation, Revitalization)
(k) Kerala Martial Arts & Kalari payattu
(l) Pedal massage

16 students from America completed their training in past December *


Aim and objectives (in general)

* On completion of this course one will qualify as an Ayurvedic Pancha karma subject expert and able to conduct, apply and manage various Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures-including PANCHA KARMA and KERALA SPECIAL TREATMENTS
* Able to identify Doshic imbalances in relation to health & illnesses
* Able to draw a treatment plan, provide nutritional & lifestyle counseling
* Able to practice as a health care professional in their chosen field
* Can practice and advocate Ayurvedic Lifestyle Management

Course duration: MODULE;

* Study hours: 6 " hour per day X 6 days per week
* The total number of study hours: 156 hrs
* Lectures- Theory and practical sessions:
* Lectures- (Theory class) includes visiting faculty's special discussion sessions by eminent professors form Ayurveda Medical Colleges- for groups.
* To study Pancha karma and other therapies, every student must be willing to present himself/herself as specimen; this will help the student to have a subjective feeling of the patients and it is optional to take the practical classes on a reciprocal basis.
* Qualified Pancha karma therapists under the guidance of Doctor's or faculty member/s or Doctor's those selves conduct the practical classes.
* Arrange genuine patients for treatment as specimen.
* Certificates will award after the successful completion of the COURSE
1. Date of commencement of Residence ship (Internship) training:10th of each month (for 30 days)
2. Accommodation: Provided at the center. 12 rooms (double occupancy) with attached bathrooms:
3. Food: Ayurvedic food or both vegetarian and non-vegetarian in the facility, mineral water.
4. All of our Pancha Karma Programs in Kerla are now part of our 3000 hour SomaVeda™ Holistic Health

Provider (HHP) Diploma Program. This program now qualifies graduates to sit for the ANCB National Boards for Traditional Naturopath in the US!

For details on the full HHP program please go to http://www.ThaiYogaCenter.Com/pages/hhp/hhp_curriculum.html

Contact us for travel information and Dates availability at 706-358-8646 or email:

Be well,
Julie James
Student Services

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