
Nonviolent Occupiers in Oakland Attacked by Police (VIDEO)

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into a Crowd

Who Is Trying To Help Injured Protester:




To fight negative energy with negative energy creates more negative energy. We are all upset by the video footage of the Oakland Police shooting a man in the head with a rubber bullet and then sending a tear gas grenade into the crowd of people who rushed in to help him. But violence is not the answer. We seek a better world, not just more of the same. Nonviolence requires incredible strength, humility, self discipline and an open heart. Being reactive is a sign of weakness. Rioting and looting (aka "shopping with violence") is for dumb apes. "Dumb apes" is an accurate way to describe how human civilization has behaved over the past several thousand years. The Occupy movement represents a shift in consciousness. It's time to evolve. The Occupy movement is nonviolent - militantly nonviolent - courageously nonviolent. As Scott Olsen, member of "Veterans For Peace" lays unconsciousness right now in a hospital bed, with a swollen brain and fractured skull from that rubber bullet, we are all filled with strong emotions. Yielding to feelings of hatred and actions that are violent, just keeps the whole ball of confusion spinning on its evil axis. It might be harder for some to cry than it is to throw a stone. Our minds got us into this mess and our hearts will get us out of it.




‎"Can they just do that?" is the multi-trillion dollar question.

Under a Plutocracy, "Yes We Can".

Never mind the bullshit artist who went onto Leno to tell the world how much he understands.

The President is in the pocket of Goldman Sachs.

The "Change We Need" is us.

We are the change.

Be the change.






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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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