Very few people yet understand that this so-called 1 Percent does not just consist of the psychopathic power elite, but it also includes violent religious theologies, dogmatic political ideologies, failed economic policies, corrupt political ponzi schemes and materialistic ideas about the American Dream. To live outside that scene you must be sane. The 99 Percent are those with the courage and clarity to see the fallacy and break free of a totally rigged game. The way that we, the 100 Percent have been living is something we can no longer sustain. The only way is up and the only way out is to change.
Inside the beehives…
The masters are STOCK watching
Watching world markets
Watching the dollar
Watching the news
But mostly they are watching me
And you
Watching your productivity
Keeping your attitudes in check
While you roll over
Play dead
And fetch the paycheck
That malnourishing bi-monthly Milkbone
It buys us prizes
While we all turn into drones…
Clock watching
Clock watching
Clock watching
A buzzer goes off in your head
So you change the channel
It's the movie of the Weak
Sit down
Shut up
And let down all your defenses
Don't choke on that hook in your throat
Put down that remote
There are a few products
We'd like
To promote
Turn up the volume and drown out the warning sound
Turn up the volume and drown out the warning sound
The wind carries the clouds
Across the sky
And over great mountains
Through the Amazon Basin
And out into the ocean
It teaches you all you need to know
The moment you let go
But if you try to own it
It's back to watching the clock
Tick Tock
Factory workers
Factory employees
Become obsolete
Fleshy machines
Become expensive
Defective machines
Become disillusioned
Disgruntled and discontinued
Dissed by the masters
Dissed by their country
Dissed by the fading dream
Which melts like ice cream
It slips through your fingers
And lands on the pavement
Way up high in the sky
A satellite view of Los Angeles
Reveals a scar
A burn to the skin
A circuit board hastily manufactured
A pocket of poisoned air
A dangerous hive of Range Rover driving
Networking killer bees
The global capital of over stimulation
A profit center
A population center
The Beverly Center
Sergeant Friday's worst nightmare
With all the city buses driving through it's hair
It tries to fight it but it's paralyzed
And all its buried caskets are immortalized
And all the silly people on the TV screen
Are beaming out their message to the product fiends
A shrine to human evolution?
Thought discouraging self pollution
TV Guide exaltation
Narcotic self pity excitation
Electronic mutual masturbation
This is no place to vacation
Understand my frustration
This is about more than just the state of the nation
Drowning out the warning sound
Dogs are singing
It's a warning sound
Caged birds are barking
It's a warning sound
Trees falling
Sirens howling
All around you it's a warning sound
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
How many Twinkees will be manufactured today?
How many hot dogs?
How many stacks
Of sliced processed pig flesh
Shrink wrapped by the thousands?
How many circuit boards?
How many cigarettes rolled and packed?
How many minds conditioned?
Behaviors modified?
Opinions swayed?
Votes cast?
Followers led?
How many times must you change that channel
Before the picture becomes clear?
Those Alpha Waves are delivering mass produced fear
Public schools manufacture ready made identity
While consumer confidence gets high
On merchandise
And more merchandise
Barricaded in shopping malls
Drowning out the warning sound
The wind carries the clouds
Across the sky
And over great mountains
Through the Amazon Basin
And out into the ocean
It teaches you all you need to know
The moment you let go
But if you try to own it
It's back to watching the clock
Tick Tock
Antennas reach into the sky
From stucco houses
Stucco communities
Protected by stucco walls
And stucco minds
Protected by talk of trivia games and onion dip
Protected by stucco indoctrinated security guards
Guarding the stucco exoskeleton of a decaying dream
And beautiful green hilltops
Rolling green hilltops
Bullied by bulldozers
Tied and gagged
Green hilltops metamorphasize into planned communities
Bland communities
Apathetic acres of repeating stucco houses
Displayed in shades of Caucasian skin tone
Planned communities
Plan to keep out all those
Loitering minorities
Plan to keep your lawn manicured
And your mouth shut
Plan to stay deep in debt
Mesmerized by the television set
Mesmerized into paralysis
An itemized deduction in the social
Cost benefit analysis
Planned communities are on the rise
With an appetite for your demise
Hello stucco
Green hilltops goodbye
A buzzer goes off in your head
So you change the channel
Those who Jaguar and Cadillacked their way into universities
Might fail to see
The screen through all the static
Those who trickled down into tract home stupor
Might have something invested in the daydream
The ruling gods of Capital
And their high powered friends
Keep faces buried in Mercedes Benz
The new Mercedes ME class
Equipped with public opinion steering
And passenger side body bag
There's never been a better time to own one
See your dealer today
He's conference calling Ronal Reagan
With dental work illuminated
Looking down his nose
At skirts who say they're liberated
Attending First Church of the Frigidaire
Cuz he is sexually frustrated
A member of the board of Me First Incorporated
And his endless strings of pearls
Are transforming little girls
Into shady ladies
It's the desperate jet set bid for respect
Subservient obedient high heeled hostesses
Decorating posh palaces of executive kiss asses
And while the Peace Movement
Became a piece of scotch tape that lost its stick
Tricked into a maze
Lost inside the corporate haze of pop culture
The smoke screen was a success
And those of us who might overturn the State
Went shopping for Jimi Hendrix box sets
Taxman money buying time
For prison industrial complex
Throwing drug addicts behind bars
And tomorrow guess who's next?
They're filling up the cells
While the private profits soar
And the prison industry becomes
A major campaign contributor
So if your family doesn't have clout baby
Then it's three strikes and your out
A buzzer goes off in your head so you change the channel
Pioneering designer nerve gas
Hardening nipples of Pentagon
Pioneering designer nerve gas
Hardening nipples of Pentagon
Pioneering designer nerve gas
Pardoning criminals of Pentagon
A buzzer goes off in your head so you change the channel
Spreading chilling rumors
To all those baby boomer consumers
About an imaginary war on drugs
It ain't the corporate owned news
That will sing the blues
When public radio gets the axe
It's the facts that get distorted
And the news goes unreported
A buzzer goes off in your head so you change the channel
All around town
Pretentious poets deliver testimonials
Of their own salvation
Dogs bark
Sirens scream
Personal goals become aligned with corporate objectives
Tick Tock
If only I could just stop numbing out
Tick Tock
If only
Tick Tock
Empty buildings could house thousands
While people live in cardboard on the sidewalks - Tick Tock
Quick define these words
Quick categorize the message
Judge the messenger
Buffer yourself
Categorize categorize
Tick Tock
Tick tock
Quarterpounder Big Mac Whopper Croisanwhich
Tick Tock
Clouds are forming overhead
Tick Tock
A hard rain is gonna fall
Tick Tock
A hard rain is gonna fall
Tick Tock
You can't make an umbrella out of Seconal
Tick Tock
Can't hold the rain back with Prozac
Tick Tock
Valium can't stop the pain
That comes with the rain
Tick Tock
And neither will Xanax
Tick Tock
Or Ativan
Tick Tock
Or Jesus or Superman or Santa Claus
Tick Tock
It's a warning sound
(c) Copyright 1995 ERIC ALLEN BELL
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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