
My Interpretation of Genesis: Chapter 2 Adam and Eve

In the Adam and Eve story, Eve was tempted by a serpent to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. The serpent, in my opinion, resembles thought. Thoughts in our every day lives can cause us to resent the most beautiful person. Throw away a chance with anything. Can also cause insanity in an individual. The fruit that was eaten from the tree resembles logic. Eve gave the apple to Adam as an act of pure love. Adam knew in his heart that he shouldn't have eaten it. But received it anyhow. Upon eating the fruit together, logic enabled them to know the difference between right and wrong. Actually deduct through their own experiences and thought patterns instead of having entrusted what was told to them. Having faith. They questioned the very existence of God. They had fear of expectations. Anxiety of their expectations. God then stated that they would have to live like that for the rest of their lives and were banished from the Garden of Eden.

This story is not a story of the beginning of humanity, where Adam and Eve were the first. From what i gather, it is more so of life itself. Life for an individual. Life for a couple. Life for Humanity. When a baby is born into this world, the baby is innocent and unmolested by thoughts fed to them by social means or by other individuals. It is then when logic is born into the child's mind. The logic of which the norm accepts of what is good and what is bad. The original sin. The Garden of Eden has never been taken away from us. It is a trial. It is not a physical place. It is a place within ourselves. Our spirit. Our very essence woven together. Everyone can reach this place so long as they grow spiritually. Notice I said spiritually, not religiously. Two different things. Why did God say then that we were banished? Logic. Obtaining logic allows us to have fear of loosing that of which is precious to us. This story is more so a parable instead of a creation story. There a millions of Adam's and Eve's being born every day on this world. Some find their Eden. Most stay lost in logic. Lost in society. But with the help of individuals whom found their Eden, everyone can find this once lost place. It wasn't lost all the time. Remember as a child when no fears and no worries changed your mind. What you thought as a child to be fun, you did. Nothing held you back. Every day was a new day. Every hour was a new hour of fun. It was as if that child, as innocent as he/she is, lives in that moment. In that present they are in. They were living in the Eden and in time grew out of it.

How will you find your Eden?

(Please keep in mind that this is more so a perspective analysis. This in no way is a means to misconstrue the beliefs of anyone or any practicing religion.)

Views: 14

Comment by David Burnett on December 28, 2008 at 10:36pm
You know, I realy dig your perspecive on things, both in your blog posts and photos. You always present a new angle I hadn't thought of before. Cool stuff man.
Comment by Oliver Bulfango on December 28, 2008 at 10:39pm
Very much appreciated. :)


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