
I have searched high and low for a destination unknown
Wanting to know more about the meaning of life
I have lost my ways by letting emotions control my very self
Letting thoughts become what I have not ever to have predicted to become

This lonely space of infinity
This vagueness of our physical life
Ever growing near to the truth of the very essence of being
Words emit thoughts and patterns of confusions

Wherein lies the very truth of which humanity chooses to hide
Chooses to be brainwashed by our own-selves
Until we choose to open our eyes there will there ever be peace
But there is so much that deters us from that choice. That comprehension

Live life not for what it was or has been
Live life for not it will be or could be
Understand who we are now and grasp it with consciousness
Do not let the very essence of you be lost in what may

Live not with happiness through another being
Live not through the happiness of another thought
Live not through the happiness of emotion
Live with the happiness of life

Seek the true self without bias
Know that we are all interwoven in this very fabric of space
Understand that time is not of the essence
Help yourself before you can help another

-Oliver Bulfango (December 1, 2008)

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