
I know how spectacular We ALL are as physical beings on this Planet WE call Earth. OUR ancestors created everything that we know and understand and WE create everything that will come in the future. We are in a spectacular turning point in OUR evolution. We are becoming more aware of how spectacular ALL Life is. That We as Human beings create Our own World. That not only do Our thoughts change the energy vibrations of Ourselves the Planet and beyond. So do Our actions. As we begin to accept that the Human race created ALL knowledge. We can start to believe in how spectacular We All are as the Human race, a physical life form on the Planet Earth. We are All special no matter who or what you perceive yourself to be.
Here's the tough part. I seem to always get yelled at about this. Gods,Goddesses,Demons and Deities....... are ALL creations of the Human being. Remember how powerful Our thoughts are. That when we put enough thought energy into believing in something that we perceive as greater than Ourselves it will become that. Past leaders abused GGDD's for personal gains of power over others or material wealth. Our past might not be the greatest, Our future is going to be incredible. I believe that there are more Good people than bad on Our Planet.
WE are All great beings. When we start to take care of ALL LIFE on Our Planet and begin to realize that the energy that WE have given to Gods,Goddesses,Demons and Deities. Is now coming back to Us to use to grow and create a better Universe and a greater Human race. Ready to create a new future beyond anything we've ever done before.
In the future We will be able to slow the expansion of the Universe. If we truly need to. We will be able to redirect comets or falling stars that are coming into the Universe. We will no longer have to destroy, We will rebuild and recycle. When we meet other beings. We will know how to heal them. Because We have learned how to heal Ourselves, Our Planet and the Universe. Through quantum physics. We now know what We are.Now You have to discover who and what You are. I say your wonderful and spectacular no matter what you believe in. Keep All hate out of your life. It's YOUR choice.
Now beyond being Human. We and everything that we see, feel, touch, taste and even imagine. Is pure energy. When we die the energy that is our being goes to the energy melting pot. In this state we can only theorize what happens. For myself I feel that there are 2 options. We either are fully aware of everything or we are in a meditative state of nothingness. I believe that the greatest gift for pure energy is to come back to the physical World. To be a physical being, no matter what that physical form may be. It's time to realize how much of a gift it is to be a physical Life form. Especially a Human physical form. We have such great gifts. Lets start using them. Never forget how great the physical World is. Never forget how great YOU are also. Once you accept how wonderful YOU are as a Human being. You will begin to see and feel how spectacular the Human race is and can be.
I Love You ALL :) Have a Beautiful day and a Smile on us :)
Peace, Love and Happiness for ALL :)

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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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