
What it means to me to be a Human being:)

Wow, where do I start,
We the Human race are so spectacular. We can think,read,taste,smell,feel,touch,develop concepts and thoughts.
We have created every form of knowledge that is known to us. Regardless of what you believe beyond yourself and the Human race. YOU/WE are spectacular beings. The past is done. Unfortunately WE allowed the leaders of the past to manipulate the Human race into believing that there are separations among Humans and that we are born defective or as sinners.These individuals, no matter how powerful they were, put us in the situation we are in now. Now the current leaders have an amazing mess with all of these prophecies. That were conjured up and created by people who did not understand what it is to be a Human being.Hopefully the leaders who are now in power are beginning to become aware of how spectacular ALL life is. The past separated the Human race and WE did some awful things using gods, demons,patriotism and Human ignorance ( I do not capitalize gods and demons because they do not exist.) to tell us that Humans are flawed.WE are NOT flawed and we have been mis-lead. It is time that we start to pull all the energy that we put into believing in gods,goddesses,demons and deities. Start to believe in ourselves and that ALL We know the Human race created and developed. There is nothing written that was not written by a Human being. It is time that we not only start writing about how great OUR race is and start to truly believe in ourself and the greatness We ALL as Humans are. We, each individual is responsible for Our thoughts and actions. I believe we would have become greater Humans if we would have evolved without religions and would be more aware and conscious of how great not only the Human race is, but OUR Planet as well. I believe that there are more good/positive people than there are mean and evil people. We just need to guide those who are trapped in they're own Human evil. That they are great themselves that they can change also. Change is constant. How do we know this. We created ALL the words for each of us to express ourselves.I know how great We ALL are and I only went to school until 10th grade and then got my GED. From the no response I got from asking what it means to you to be a Human being. My pain, is that we no longer identify Ourselves as Human beings. I'm a simple Human who knows we can change. It is up to each individual to take responsibility for they're own actions and quit being mean and hateful towards one another.
Have a Beautiful day and a smile on the Human race :)

Views: 16

Comment by Mark Gailmor on October 12, 2009 at 11:11pm

What a truly beautiful statement to make. Everything you said falls in line with my personal, humanist beliefs. We are each special and unique beings that are part of a special club called the human race. Regardless of our differences it is important to acknowledge our commonality as humans. This is the one thread that connects us all and I don't believe anyone could have presented it in a better statement.




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