
Community Coat Exchange - Salt Lake City Utah

November 26, 2010
10:00 AM

COMMUNITY COAT EXCHANGE: Downtown Salt Lake Library Plaza

210 East 400 South

Salt Lake City, UT

Bring a coat, take a coat: If you need a coat, come get one. If you have a coat, we know someone who can use it.

~ since 2006 ~

A community event inspired by people across the nation who want to effect a change in our world.

Annual Community Coat Exchange – Every year the day after thanksgiving

Every year people all over the United States spend the day after Thanksgiving getting ready for the holiday season by patronizing retail businesses
for gift buying. We perceived a need for a project for the same day
that would be useful and meaningful, as well as educational, and that
focuses on concerns about the ecological and psychological consequences
of our consumer culture and the impact of our consumerism on society.

Patterned after a similar event in Rhode Island, the Coat Exchange is a collection and distribution of winter coats and other clothing items.
The event is held between 10 AM and 2PM the day after Thanksgiving.

The idea is for folks to bring donations to any of the drop off centers before Thanksgiving or to the event itself. At the event, no questions
are asked: If you need a coat, come get one. If you want to exchange a
coat, bring the coat you want to donate and take one in exchange. If
you have a donation of coats, we know people who can use them.

Left over coats are donated to the Crossroads Urban Center Thrift Store, a project of the Crossroads Urban Center which advocates for low income
and homeless people. The Crossroads Urban Center Thrift Store gives
clothes away to poor people and also sells clothes and other goods in
its retail shop to the general public to help fund the Crossroads Urban
Center programs.

This year the Community Coat Exchange has gone coast to coast:
in Louisville and Radcliff

The First Annual Coat Exchange will take place at Bad Egg Books Infoshop (, 112 E. 13th Ave Eugene, Oregon, the day after Thanksgiving! The IWW will be hosting the event. (

Rhode Island
14th Annual Buy Nothing Day Coat Exchange in Providence, Pawtucket, Newport, Wakefield and Woonsocket

6th Annual Community Coat Exchange

More info:

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