
Book Review- The World Is As You Dream It

Busy day and I got to finish my book too! I got a lot of seeds planted and other general gardening tasks, and the laundry is almost done- now to just clean up the house and pack and I'm ready for our trip to California tomorrow! I'm not taking my computer, I'm welcoming a break in my classes and taking a break from the computer as well!)

To the book- The World Is As You Dream It- Teachings from the Amazon and Andes by John Perkins. Another excellent read and it goes hand and hand as well as takes the New Paradigm- my last review further.

It talks about how we are all one and how the world is as we dream it- consider the implications of perception and changing it (past, present, and future). It is a rich story as this point is made, one well worth reading!

A thought from the book quoted from Thomas Berry by Perkins- "What we seem unwilling or unable to recognize is that our modern world is itself inspired not by any rational process, but by a distorted dream experience, perhaps by the most powerful dream that has ever taken possession of human imagination. Our sense of progress, our entire technological society, however rational in its functioning, is a pure dream vision in its origins and its objectives." Instead of explaining I will just say if you don't get that you really should read this book, very eye opening when approached with an open heart.

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