
Book Review- A Handbook of a New Paradigm

I just finished reading a Handbook for a New Paradigm and found it an excellent read. It gives many ideas for shifting our consciousness and our experience here on earth, it also lead me to many deeper thoughts and awarenesses. It says that we must remember our personal responsibility perhaps with more focus on personal than responsible, that we need to honor free will and to remember the four basic laws of the universe: the law of attraction (this is not in a get rich (dollars) kind of way, the law of acceptance (nonjudgment), the law of allowing (let go of control), and the law of balance and to remember there are degrees its not all black and white there are shades. It emphasizes the importance of being present and creating within these parameters. What can you do by shifting your perception. It delves into how we can change our experience. I highly recommend it.

Here's a link to a free pdf version of it if you're interesting. Read it and sift through and apply what resonates and calls to you and let the rest of it go. Read it, ponder it, before making hard decisions on what applies and doesn't.

May you walk in beauty!

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