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"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
"You are not one of many, you are really many of ONE... Reality -- Is like an enormous crystal: Every form, every possible expression, is but a facet of that same one Jewel. Within its own context, each aspect appears complete and whole. Yet each flicker of brightness, like pieces of a huge puzzle, reaches beyond its horizon to join with that Greater Light."
To serve each other, to respect each other, to trust each other, to honor each other, to love each other, to cooperate with each other, to care for each other, to forgive one another, to focus on peoples' good, to laugh with one another, to learn from one another; to pray for each other - these are all acts of love.
We are members of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole.
♥ Spiritual Networking PORTAL of PORTALS in support of harmonious co-existence and Unified Intentions fostering a Spirit of Love and cooperation our collective site and network serves to assist and support the whole, joining together caring hearts and helping hands from ALL cultures, beliefs, races and backgrounds, recognizing our Interdependence and embracing our Divine power to collectively co-create a harmonious, loving, peaceful, just and sustainable world.
♥ Portals include Spiritual networks, websites, groups, orgs., tools, resources and online communities dedicated to sharing Love, Light and Inspiration. Our ONENESS COLLECTIVE directory showcases WORLD HARMONY, UNITY, PEACE and ONENESS Networks, Groups and Organizations - including links, info and updates, combining and sharing collective wisdom for the common good of One and ALL.
♥ Visit, connect, explore or share > networks, websites, videos, ideas, plans, missions, projects, discussions, articles, links, events, blogs, pics, etc. that inspire, uplift, benefit and support humanity. You are important. Your actions matter. Your thoughts create. Your presence changes everything.
INNER PEACE: Centered in Spirit, WE are at peace.
GUIDANCE: The wisdom of God is revealed through US.
HEALING: God renews every cell of OUR body.
PROSPERITY: WE have all the time, energy and money needed to do what is OURS to do.
WORLD PEACE: WE are awakening to the truth that WE are ONE and Divine Love prevails.
BLESSINGS TO ALL: Divine Love, flowing through US, blesses and multiplies all that WE are, all that WE have, all that WE give and all that WE receive.
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Ziggy put his paws over his floppy black ears. He knew what was coming. He knew the Professor was ready to launch into one of his long tirades and he couldn't bear to hear it. It was just too painful for his sensitive ears. He had heard there were places on the earth that were messed up. Word had gotten around. His friends had told him. The birds, who traveled back and forth through the seasons, flying everywhere over water and land, had seen it. Bird told Rabbit. Rabbit had been frightened when he told the gentle deer. And Deer had told Ziggy. Something awful was happening in these places called cities.
The squirrels were gathering more nuts than they needed, afraid there wouldn't be any more trees. Their friends the frogs were disappearing and no one knew why. They needed the frogs! They're the ones who sing to the thunder being. Their song brings on the rain.
Everyone was talking about it. They told Ziggy the problem was his friends, the humans. They were taking up more space than the Great Universal Source had allotted them. Turtle said the humans should learn to slow down and look around. Snake said some of their poisons would wake them up soon enough. Spider said not to worry. The humans had created a web and gotten caught in it. But some of them would see their way out. They could see the light, the weaving of the whole universe. And after all, even flying insects knew to go to the light, didn't they?
Chapter 7 - The City
bring this sense of awareness to the LIVE H20 event this june 19,20,21
see world peace posse