
Chris White's Groups (12)

  • Positive, Uplifting and Constructive News

    104 members Latest Activity: Sep 24, 2015 A group for sharing Positive, Uplifting, and Constructive News.

  • Celebrating Nature

    163 members Latest Activity: Apr 10, 2016 A group dedicated to sharing media content (pictures, videos, art etc.) of nature, as a way to celebrate our beautiful planet.

  • Other Life Forms

    30 members Latest Activity: Jun 2, 2012 This group is regarding all paranormal topics including but not limited to, UFO'S, aliens, 2012, orbs, ghosts, spirit guides, angels, reincarnation,…

  • Prayer Circle for All

    118 members Latest Activity: Feb 20, 2015 A place for people of all faiths to share their prayers and make prayer requests to each other. No matter what your belief system is, you're welcome…

  • Architects of a New Dawn

    104 members Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2014 A group to connect MyPeace.TV members with the Architects of a New Dawn project. AOAND is a project inspired by Carlos Santana, to create a new…

  • Media Activism

    115 members Latest Activity: Apr 13, 2014 A place to share ideas and organize Socially/Environmentally Conscious Media Campaigns. Together we can influence the leading News Channels, and…

  • Imagine This! TV

    92 members Latest Activity: Jan 19, 2016 We are a network of filmmakers and storytellers, activists and environmentalists, inventors and engineers, doctors, artists and many others dedicated…

  • Earthdance global festival for peace

    122 members Latest Activity: May 11, 2015 Earthdance is the global festival for peace, and Prayer for Peace, an annual worldwide collaboration, since 1997, in support of UN Peace Day. To…

  • The World March for Peace and Nonviolence

    190 members Latest Activity: Apr 21, 2012 The World March for Peace & Nonviolence is the concerted effort of 100 countries and 7 continents who yearn for peace and call for the eradication of…


    159 members Latest Activity: Aug 27, 2014 An annual worldwide telecast concert of Superstar musicians performing Sacred Music from the most mystical concert venues on the planet.

‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



We Love Planet EarthPetition for more Positive News & Basic Needs for All


Woke Up Alive, Promises & Peace Pilgrim

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