Just because Congressmen Kucinich approach to achieving peace differs slightly from congressional candidate,Deutch it does not give Deutch the right to make a wild baseless claim that Kucinich is Anti Israel. Deutch actions essentially denied the Palm Beach community the right to hear Congressmen Kucinich’s address on the current state of healthcare legislation.
Congressional candidate Ted Deutch expresses his opinion that Congressmen Kucinch is not a friend of Israel. Ted Deutch is too poorly prepared on foreign policy to run for congress. His statements about Dennis Kucinich show a total lack of understanding of the situation in the Middle East. Agreeing with people that Dennis' approach to foreign policy is Anti Israel, reveals a total lack of understanding of the Middle East Situation.Refusing to take contributions from AIPAC is not a litmus test to determine whether or not someone is pro israel.
This video was provided to me by a Broward County DEC executive Member who attended this small house party where State Senator Ted Deutch was the speaker.
As I previously neither stated that anyone making statements like the ones made in the Peace Post have no understanding nor have they ever read the Kucinich 12 point peace plan(Ghandi Peace Award) or have they ever reviewed the department of peace bill (808). Commissioner Burt Aaronson's statements reflect the fact chunk of his campaign contributions have in the past came from AIPAC.Kucinich refuses to take AIPAC money because as a special interest group they want to dictate foreign policy not give advice. AIPAC has been successfull in many ways in lobbying for Israel best interests. Promoting a neo con approach to foreign policy is not.
Occuppying Iraq is not in Israel's best interest. There are some well meaning people that belong to that organization but there is a radical element (that have no desire for a peaceful solution to the Palestine Problem)) that definitely is behind publically humiliating Congressmen Kucinich. I have personally heard commissioner Aaronson himself make remarks revealing the fact he is envious of Congressmen Kucinich integrity.. Many of his constituents have publically got in his face on this issue for many years.
Let's Quiz Ted Deutsch and the rest of the bozo's who criticized congressmen Kucinich I would bet he has no clue about this. Dasht-e-Leili massacre like at least 90 % of American population is unaware of these war crimes.
PHR is calling for the Department of Justice to investigate why the Bush Administration impeded an FBI criminal probe of the alleged Dash-e-Leila massacre. According to US government documents obtained by PHR, as many as 2,000 surrendered Taliban fighters were reportedly suffocated in container trucks by Afghan forces operating jointly with the US in November 2001. The bodies were reportedly buried in mass graves in the Dasht-e-Leili desert near Sheberghan, Afghanistan. Notorious Afghan warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum, who was reportedly on the CIA payroll, is allegedly responsible for the massacre. This video, detailing nearly eight years of advocacy and investigation by Physicians for Human Rights, explores the events surrounding the massacre and subsequent cover-up. Featuring Physicians for Human Rights' CEO Frank Donaghue, Campaign Against Torture Director Nathaniel Raymond, and Deputy Director Susannah Sirkin. Written, directed, and narrated by Jared Voss. For more information and to sign our petition calling for Attorney General Eric Holder to let the FBI do its job, visit
Location: palmbeach,florida
"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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