
I have a strange relationship with the Peace movement. I grew up during Vietnam, which made a protester out of just about everyone, yet... as a writer and a free thinker, I have despised and feared the Taliban from afar. As a military intelligence major from a family of soldiers that is documented back to the four hundreds, I have read my families history and concluded that sometimes, war is just. I know that this is not an opinion that is popular, but we would all be under Nazi rule if this was not true.

This is why the peace campaign that I started on my radio show has war in the title. This has led to people like Tommy Smothers calling me ignorant (though I went to college eleven years longer than he did -- he's a coward who will talk behind my back, but never to my face because he knows I would argue him into the ground, and probably kick his ass). There is a disconnect between what I think of as good and bad wars. I mean, I supported going into Darfur with troops, and still support military action in the Conga, Somalia, and other places where the rule of law is gone. These are citizens of the world, who could benefit from a military action.

I am not a war monger. I would do away with war in a second. I was even a pacifist for many years... but now, I find that genocide mocks my pacifism. So, my question is, how does one show that they back the Afghanistan war without being a war monger? I did not support going into Iraq, though Saddam Hussein was evil, and a known mass murderer with Nuclear Bombs (say what you will, he was trying his damnedest to get them and would have eventually) is not something this earth needs. Now, I think our soldiers are needed there for a bit longer. I end up mirroring the Obama beliefs on some things... though his continuing to use the domestic surveillance of the Bush Regime makes me despise him, as well (ALL internet and phone conversations are now searched for key words and recorded in the USA).

I mean, there were peace activists who tried to stop WWII, as well. This tells me that a blanket approach to all violence simply will not work in our modern times. It is going to take guns to make peace in some places -- Darfur, for instance. How could one protest soldiers going in to stop government sponsored rape and murder? This is why I guess I was inspired to start Total War For Total Peace.

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I hear where you are coming from, but that does not mean I agree with you. I am thinking that you may have just taken a more nihilistic approach to deal with war, by accepting it. You're tired of it and for some reason you felt you needed to pick a side. You are rebelling your hatred for war by joining it.
Just my thoughts, take them or leave them.
Peace, Love and Unity

I have a choice too, to either pour my heart and energy into peace or war. I choose peace.
War will always kill, that is fact


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