
Dear Friend [or their name here],
I would like to invite you to the biggest party you'll ever go to in your entire life! It'll be so big that it's incredibly unlikely that you and I will even SEE each other, but it would mean a lot to me to know that somewhere - across the vast reaches of the venue - you will also be there. There's no need to RSVP, though it would be nice if you did.
I'll tell you 2 truths, I hope that you can handle them:
I'm going to enjoy this party even if you DON'T show up (but probably more if you do)
You're not the only one that I'll be inviting, so I hope that you're not the jealous type... And I'll admit that I'm not the jealous type, so you can bring - or invite - as many people as you want. In fact, the more the merrier. Please feel free to copy this message and send it to ALL your friends... and even your enemies.
Time: It's already started, so you can show up anytime, but it's REALLY going to heat up from the 2nd of November, 2009
Place: Wherever you are, but here's a HINT of just two doorways:
Dress code: Whatever you want
Activities on offer: REALLY, this would take TOO much time to list, but - even so - you are invited and ENCOURAGED to organise your own activities to add to the mad jumble...

(Please visit these videos on the YouTube site and rate them ***** so that they'll get more prominence!)

Alright, as long as you understand that my love is neither exclusive nor jealous, I hope that you will forgive me for signing:
[Jimmy] (your name here)

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You can add whatever pertinent videos that you want, there are versions in several languages of the video I chose. They can all be accessed from any of the above on YouTube, I just chose my favourites...

And PLEASE translate this letter into other languages and POST THEM HERE for others to use! I will work on the Spanish and Catalan translations, so don't worry about THEM...

Let's GO!
I assume that the videos will not transport to e-mails, so I have added the links below each one. If you're going to cut&paste this into an e-mail, it depends on YOUR e-mail service AND your addressee's whether those links come out active on their end, or whether they'll have to cut and paste the letters into the URL box on their browser.
Feel free to add and/or remove from this basic letter "template" to suit your own needs...
Hi Jim,

You're so funny! :)

Thank you for all these thoughtfulness, I could make good use of them.

Love & Blessings!
Peace, Fun and a New Beginning!
This is wonderful I am so excited I just made reminders for myself so I won't forget when it get to NYC but I really think this is an amazing idea....and a beautifully written letter!
OK, for your Spanish-speaking friends:

Querida Amiga / Querido Amigo / Querida ------- / Querido ---------
Me gustaría invitarte ¡a la fiesta más grande a que jamás irás en toda tu vida! Será tan pero tan grande que será increiblemente improbable que nos veamos entre toda la gente que habrá. Sin embargo, me significaría mucho saber que en algún rincón de la fiesta – quizá al otro extremo de la sala – también estarás tú. No hace falta contestar a esta invitación, aunque sería un detalle si lo hicieras.
Te voy a contar 2 verdades, espero que podrás con ellas:
Voy a pasarlo en grande en esta fiesta, aun en el caso que no vengas. (Pero probablemente aun más si estás.)
No eres la única persona a la cual voy a invitar, así que espero que no seas de carácter celoso... Y te voy a confesar que yo NO tengo celos, así que por mi puedes acudir con – o invitar a - tanta gente que quieras. De hecho, "¡Cuántos más seamos, mejor!" Por favour, no te cortes: incluso puedes hacer copias de esta carta para enviar a TOD=S tus amig=s... ¡y hasta l=s enemig=s!
Hora y fecha: Ya ha empezado, así que puedes presentarte cuándo quieras, pero la cosa va a ponerse realmente en marcha desde el 2 de octubre, 2009.
Lugar: Dondequiera que estés, pero aquí tienes una PISTA sobre una posible entrada:

¿Que vestir? Lo que quieras.
Actividades que se ofrecen: Pero ¡oye! Esto me costaría demasiado tiempo para sólo EMPEZAR. Y aun así, se te permite, ¡se te alienta! para que organices una actividad propia para añadir al revoltijo general...

Bien, pues, un abrazo,
[tu nombre aquí]
And for the Catalans:

Estimada Amiga / Estimat Amic / Estimada ------ / Estimat -------
M’agradaria convidar-te a la festa més gran a que aniràs en tota la teva vida! Serà tan però tan gran que serà increïblement improbable que ens vegem entre tota la gent que hi haurà. Tanmateix em significaria molt saber que en algun lloc – potser a l’altre extrem de la sala – també hi seràs tu. No cal contestar-m’hi, encara que seria tot un detall que ho fessis.
Et penso contar dues veritats, espero que podràs empassar-te-les:
Gaudiré d’aquesta festa més content que un gínjol encara si no vinguis. (Però probablement encara més si hi ets.)
No ets l’única persona que penso convidar-hi, així que més val que no siguis de caràcter gelós... I et confessaré aquí i ara que jo NO tinc pas gelosia, així que pots portar – o convidar – tantes persones com vulguis. De fet, quantes més, millor! No dubtis en fer còpies d’aquesta carta per a poder enviar-la a tot=s les/els teu=s amigues/amics... i fins als enemics i tot!
Hora i dia: Ja ha començat, així que pots presentar-t’hi quan vulguis, però la cosa començarà a “bullir” de veritat a partir del dia 2 d’octubre, 2009
Lloc: A qualsevol lloc on siguis tu, però aquí tens una PISTA sobre una possible entrada:
Què vestir?: El que vulguis
Activitats en oferta: Collons! N’hi ha tantes que no hi penso ni COMENÇAR! Però tanmateix se’t permet, però què dic??? Se’t demana que organitzis la teva pròpia activitat per a afegir-la al embolic general...
Podries, per exemple, començar per fer d’aquests dos “espots” versions en català...

Una abraçada,
[el teu nom aquí]
Peace on words say less than those on images?
Peace on spoken words sounds better to all souls.
Writen they don't get to the target: the ones who don't have a choice to read.
Spoken, as Aaron questionning, they go more far.
My father, aside me here, can hear, and don't need to read.
Of course I can read for him, but talking we get tired.
Recorded words don't have that problem.
I'm sorry, Kimberley, I was about to give you instructions for embedding, but I see from your profile that you already know about that. As I've never had a Facebook account, I don't know if what you want to do IS possible there. Perhaps they only want to allow people to post original material, so that they don't have to get involved in copyright issues?

As to your 2nd question: "Is this only for people who can take off 3 months?"...
The answer is no. The official group who will actually be travelling around the World has already been made up, and applications to join are not being accepted. If anybody wants to accompany them - for a short part, a longer part, or the whole of the trip, arranging and paying for their own way (tickets + accomodation) - this is a possibility.
But OUR participation is meant to be of 2 kinds:
a) We can give the official group a huge and warm welcome when they arrive at one of their destinations on their way (see the map of their route for the city closest to you), and
b) We can organise any (big or little) activity for Peace - no matter how far away from the route it is - and quite simply call it part of the March. We can be doing this already, to raise NOW others' awareness of the March and the wishes of all of us for Peace.

I can see a possible objection: that the March is trying to harvest all the glory of every Peacemaker's efforts and take credit for our actions. But if you think that the March doesn't belong to the organisers, the March IS every one of us, the publicity of a MASSIVE movement for Peace could grab headlines as being the biggest demonstration of public opinion that the World has ever known... And wouldn't you rather it was Peace that got that title, and not a Rolling Stones+Michael Jackson+Madonna World Tour?


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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