
Body image is a very touchy subject for me. Fact is, we all have something about our bodies that we hate.
I'm very comfortable with the fact that I'm made the way that I am, in and out. We are all made the way we were for a reason, to be different from eveyone else.
I have a hard time accepting the fact that other people spend their money RUTHLESSLEY on plastic surgery and other such things ( I do understand it when it is deemed a medical neccesity). Crazy diet fads, liposuction, facelifts, botox. I know a person who recently spent 600 dollars on diet drops. So that she can lose a pound a day.
I see this as a serious problem. There are starving children,homeless animals, dirty waters, and SO MANY other atrocities in the world. Why can't some of that money go towards a good charity or non-profit organization? It sickens me to think that somone could spend 600 dollars on weight loss, but not ten dollars to the WWF.
I try to press charity without soundng like a PSA. I'm definately in a lower tax bracket, and I still give what I can when I can, which in my eyes is more than a rich man giving a thousand dollars to look good.

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I agree. Living penny to penny is hard but when you have an extra buck, throw it to someone who reay needs it. I figure I may not have everything I want but I have everything I need, some people cant say that.
I had braces for a medical reason when I was a child. I had 5 teeth knocked out. After they grew back in I got into a car accident while I had a sucker in my mouth and it rammed into the roof of my mouth.... needless to say my mouth was a disaster by adolescence and NONE of my teeth even touched. Same with my nephew, he has some rare tooth disease and not only are his teeth TOTALLY out of whack, they grew with a big dark brown streak across them. He's getting braces and lumineers, for medical reasons... However, my daughter has 2 crooked teeth and although braces would straighten them, they aren't bad and I think that money could go towards something better...
I can definately see where you are coming from. And there are times when it IS neccesary. You're right, we need to draw a line somewhere....
The big issue here is treating each other with respect, in a peaceful manner. Sadly, not everyone can "shut out" what society is telling us to look like, and in my opinion society is VERY disrespectful, especially towards women. And believe me I have let it get to me before, and sadly there are times when my self esteem slumps. I appreciate your point of view, and that's why we're here, to understand each other. That's also why I wrote this, to get another perspective.
I like this subject. This is something I've thought a lot about. I've never thought the way a person looks is important. Oh, but society begs to differ. Right, we all want to fit in and be accepted. But I don't think we should have to look a certain way for this to happen. Many people judge others based on what they look like, the clothes they wear. Therefore they don't even get to know anything about the person they just treat them according to how they look. I agree, "the solution is in treating each other better. and in changing the media. kindness. and being careful with our own words." Education seems to be the solution to many problems. If only everyone was taught that true beauty really does come from within!
One explanation for the disparity in attitudes might be that people are all at different stages of spiritual growth or awareness. Many of the people who are members here, I'm sure, had different attitudes at different stages of their lives. That's whny we often hear someone say that an experience they had was "life changing." They might have seen someone they previously thought was disgusting, stupid or too concerned with their looks perform an act that was a good deed toward a person or animal that needed help. Suddenly, that someone sees things differently. Their life has been changed. They no longer judge a book by its cover, so to speak. Not only have they gained new appreciation of others, but they have seen themselves as having been judgmental and critical. This new "enlightenment" allows them to become much more accepting of others, no matter the first impression. This is love in action .. . the love that will eventually lead us to the peace we seek.


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~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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