
For years now I have takin medication becauseI am manic depressive.
Recently I have found I can really ween myself off of it because of a few changes I have started making only about a month ago.
I have started putting myself first. Realizing I can help others more after I help myself.
I have started an excersize program and trying to take better care of my body.
I have really gotten into the ideas of making my own teas with fresh herbs.
I have tried my best to keep a positive outlook everyday in every situation, look at the negative as a learning experience and believe everything happens for a reason.
Because of these few things I feel much greater in life. I feel an energy that I feel has been lost since I was a child. Its almost like a fresh awaking, like a deep sleep that I have awaken from.

Has anyone else expeiernced these types of things or have any other suggestions on creating peace for your self. For healing your body without medications?
If so I am eager to hear what you have to say.

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in my opinion I know that sara already has the answer within herself, Yes a Reiki master may help her unlock the door that will reveal the answers she has for herself. But Source already has a healing for her ...And when the timing is right for her It will be revealed to her...
I love me herbal remedys and I continue to find more and more things that make me completely at peace.


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