
Do you believe that your life can help ease suffering on a global level simply by just being? By being more compassionate, caring, and concious.....There is alot of suffering that contributes to the dis-ease of the world, that is caused by humans not being concious of their lifestyle, how they treat other living beings, and what they (most of the time unknowingly) support and consume.

This discussion has to do with Easing Suffering~Creating More Peace~ & Being Concious, you can do this by realizing that everything you do (and do not do) effects the world at large. The insightful Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh profoundly said that, "Those who induldge in suffering will too suffer".

If you really want to create more peace in the world, you will look at your life and use it, simply by being concious, and in doing so you will be creating more peace, directly in your life, and indirectly in the lives of others.

1) You can start out by not buying products that test on innocent animals These products/companies dominate the market! On television, radio, internet, and grocery aisles, they are sponsered by main-stream shows and celebrities. Just think of how much you can help by simply not supporting these companies of cruelty. ( save it, print it out, pass it on, and take it with you when you shop! )


ALSO ALL L'Oréal Brands and Subsidiaries, which include;

*Cacherel *Matrix *Diesel *Maybelline *Biotherm *Ralph Lauren *Garnier *Redken *Georgio Armani *Soft Sheen Carson *Helena Rubenstein*
*Shu Uemera Inneov *The Body Shop [acquired in 2006] *Kerastase *Vichy *Kiehls *Viktor & Rolf *La Roche Posay *Yves Saint Laurent [acquired June 2008] *Lancome*


2) Become a vegetarian. This goes back to Thich Nhat Hanh's quote. And the famous simple line "You are what you eat". Animals are extremely intelligent. They know what is going on before they are killed and they suffer down to the nerve. This comes to your plate, and there you have a meal of suffering you are about to unconciously induldge in. It is called "Mindless eating". You have a mind~ So use it! THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE EATING AND HOW IT GOT TO YOU!

"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~Albert Einstein

start out slowly, at least eliminate land animals!!! they are mammals, and guess what Newsflash: SO ARE YOU!

3) REDUCE or ELIMINATE your intake of Alcohol ~ Alot of suffering is caused in the world because of this terrible DRUG. Think of all the car accidents, bar brawls, troubled husbands/mothers/fathers/teenagers (who often are more likely to abuse/and or neglect their loved ones/themselves/others/animals when they are under the influence!), not to mention how destructive it is to your own body and mind. By not supporting the alcohol industry, you do not support these careless acts of suffering.

Each one of these are concious and meaningful effort to create more peace and ease suffering in the world. If you can just start out with ONE, you will be making a difference!

Thank You for your consideration ~ Peace to ALL beings <3

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Thank you for bringing light to these topics for all of us to share and converse about. For me, it is so important to know that as individuals, we are all immensely responsible to and for each other in every moment in which we live. We all aspire to become higher forms of ourselves. I appreciate not only the depth of information that you have gathered and shared, but the tone in which you conveyed your perspective. So many times people present their ideas and ways of life as a meter for others to live by. I know that your words and advice can be absorbed by many more people because you avoided the ego. Thank you for that. Do you have suggestions for products that people can use that will carry out the same purposes as many of the products and companies that you listed without the harm to the Earth and animals? I am interested to know, and I think that it could be a good help to so many people who read this. What manufacturers and products do you have personal experience with that you would be comfortable recommending?
Thank you for your response! Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Many people may see this information and choose to ignore it, whether they have nothing to say, or they are simply not concious and not ready to recognize the powerful truth of what a difference their lives can make.

To answer your (very good!) questions, i'm sure you are well aware that for every product there is at lease two competitors. You can see this clearly with (for example) a drug store or gas station, there is usually one right across the street from the other! They may be offering a special sale, a small discount of the same product, or one's philosophy may be better than the other. Or maybe you favor one, because you just like their commercial better on TV.

Alot of people buy what they know and what everyone else buys. Why? because the sad fact is, most people cannot think for themselves. They are too unconcious and completely in a "daze" so to speak. They basically let the media and advertising companies buy for them! Meanwhile, these people probably have pets at home, whom they "love", they don't realize that the brands they buy are testing on that sweet little bunny rabbit that their child cherishes.

If someone is near me, and I see them reach for one of these products, I often tell them, and 3 out of 4 times, they buy something else! By not buying these brands, you are not supporting their ways, and that is one less package of paper towels that will not be sold, so next time they go to produce, that will be one less package to make, and one less animal (or experiment) that causes suffering and takes away from the much needed peace in the world.

If you take a good look at these products, they are the top brand names. They dominate the aisles in the stores you shop. They are favored by the companies where they are sold, because they know they are the "top" sellers, and they are products that people "need". They are products that people know and maybe even "love". So therefore, people will keep on buying them and these stores will keep on selling.

I invite you to just take a look around the aisle you are browsing in. When you find the product you normally buy, walk past it, see what else there is, look above it, below it, and further down the aisle. Alot of the times, the "nice", more concious and compassionate companies, are placed where you can barely even see them! There is alot of "product placement" that occurs. Once you become aware you will notice this. They make their favored companies easily accesible, so the typical busy person, will just grab what is closest to their level of sight.

Don't let them fool you! Take a little extra time, and buy from the companies that are kind. They really need our support too! Not to mention, there products can be alot more enjoyable, well made, and do not contain toxins. For the bathroom and home products, there are usually, store brands, that tend to be cheaper! For the beauty and self care products, I recommend going to a "Whole foods" store, or some other kind of natural health food store (every major town usually has one). They are usually very pleasent to shop in and the people who work there are cool! You'd be surprised what you find in there ;)

At the grocery store, most stores have an organic, or "green/earth friendly" section nowadays. These products may be a bit more expensive, but when you are buying store brand and saving in other areas, it usually balances out! If you start reading the back of your products, most will say "not tested on animals", but some do not. I highly recommend reading labels! ESPECIALLY on food products.

I hope I answered your questions well. If you have any other questions or would like me to clarify something, please do not hesitate to ask ;)

I'd also like to mention, If you can start out with just ONE of the three that I mentioned, you will be easing alot of suffering!! Thanks so much for your consideration~~~<3

Peace Love & Compassion
here is a link to companies that DO and DO NOT test on can break it down and search by the product type you are looking for...
oh my goodness! that is so bittersweet. I'm sure that all animals (especially the mothers and their offspring) become traumatized when seperated from eachother. I have a foster kitty at my house who was seperated from her babies, when I first got her, she was so skiddish and untrusting. Now after giving her the love and affection that every being deserves, it's amazing how her tempermant has changed. I often wonder about animals and how much memory they have....

it is very ironic that you mention this today, b/c yesterday I drove by a farm off of the highway and I saw a cow running, I've never seen a cow run before! I wish they could ALL run away to a safe haven. Until then though, WE will run from meat aisles and the products of cruelty.

,Gandhi explains his feelings about cow protection as follows:

"The cow to me means the entire sub-human world, extending man's sympathies beyond his own species. Man through the cow is enjoined to realize his identity with all that lives. Why the ancient rishis selected the cow for apotheosis is obvious to me. The cow in India was the best comparison; she was the giver of plenty. Not only did she give milk, but she also made agriculture possible. The cow is a poem of pity; one reads pity in the gentle animal. She is the second mother to millions of mankind. Protection of the cow means protection of the whole dumb creation of God. The appeal of the lower order of creation is all the more forceful because it is speechless."

there is something very profound about that....there are more cows than there are Americans. There are 300 million people in the US and there are 1.5 billion cows on earth! Cows are amongt the most suffering beings on this planet!

cattle farming is "responsible for 18% of greenhouse gases."The production of cattle to feed and clothe humans stresses ecosystems around the world,and is assessed to be one of the top three environmental problems in the world on a local to global scale
I am so glad you have shared the logos of companies that test on innocent animals. I was relieved to see that I only had two products that I need to mark off my grocery list... two too many!

This is 'Angel' and he is the love of our families lives. All animals deserve love & respect and dignity on our planet.......Peace
thank you SO much!! I GREATLY appreciate your care, concern and action :)

Much love to you and your beautiful "Angel" <3


‎"Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life?"
~Martin Luther King, Jr.



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